Environmental Effects: Help Me Adjust Dice Pools?

By intothenight, in Game Masters

So, the climactic battle in my upcoming session takes place on a beach. The party's contact has a large seaside courtyard. When they arrive, it will be under waist-high water due to the tide.

After some plot happens, they get attacked by a swoop gang. I'll make the party immediately aware that the swoops' autoblasters won't be able to aim at them underwater. Instead, the gang members will take potshots at them with light blasters as they speed by.

So let's talk setback. What kind of dice should I add to:

  • the gang members shooting at a submerged (more or less prone) target while piloting a vehicle?
  • the gang members shooting a standing target while piloting?
  • a party member firing a blaster or slugthrower underwater?
  • a party member firing a blaster or slugthrower by holding it above water while remaining submerged, basically doing unaimed covering fire?
  • a party member firing a blaster or slugthrower that has just been underwater a moment ago?
  • the Force Sensitive Exile using her shoto underwater?
  • the Force Sensitive Exile using her shoto that has just been underwater a moment ago?

Some additional details:

There are several trees and stone pillars spicing up the terrain, which could be used as cover or obstacles for swoops.

The Force Sensitive Exile's shoto is malfunctioning. Currently it overheats and becomes unusable if active for more than two rounds per session. Should I allow the seawater to help cool it so it can be active longer?

And that brings me to my other set of questions, the ones involving challenge dice. Exactly how bad is it for weapons to be submerged in saltwater?

  • Can these weapons (blasters, slugthrowers, shoto) function underwater?
  • If so, should I upgrade the check and use a Despair to disable that weapon until it's no longer waterlogged?
  • Should there be issues with lingering water once the weapon is out above sea level? Should I upgrade checks here to reflect this?

I don't want to overwhelm the players with a bunch of negative dice waiting at every turn, but I would like to liven things up and try to get them to make unorthodox choices.

So basically, I would love dice advice. And if you have any suggestions to improve this encounter, fire away! (Just don't forget to add the setback dice first.)

In no particular order:

1. I always assign 1 setback die to anyone firing from a moving vehicle. The Brace talent is excellent for getting rid of this penalty.

2. A lightsaber should ignite underwater just fine, but I would add at least 2 setback dice to anyone swingin it while submerged. Have you ever tried fighting underwater? Igniting it while wet should make no difference (unless the internal components are damaged); the blade would vapourize any water.

3.Shooting at a target while piloting a swoop should not in itself incur any penalties beyond point 1, above. Piloting is a manoeuvre (Fly/Drive) while shooting is an action.

4. Firing a slugthrower underwater is pointless. The bullet loses all momentum and stops completely after a couple of metres. A blaster, sure, but I'd add setback dice and subtract 2 from damage due to the bolt dissipating slightly in the water.

5. Shooting up from/down into water should add at least 1 setback die. The light refracting when it strikes the surface makes things appear to be to the side of where they actually are; try sticking a branch or oar into the water and see how it "bends".

6. Unaimed covering fire should add setback dice; make an Average or Hard combat check (or Coercion check), assign 1 setback die for a single success and 1 more for every two or three successes beyond the first. Advantage can extend the penalty to more than one target.

7. A Despair can absolutely be used to short-circuit a wet weapon. I'd consider allowing a Mechanics check as an action to get it working again, since sitting out the combat without a weapon is boring for a player.

8. Any wet weapons should be fine after some basic maintenance post-battle. Personally I wouldn't bother with making any checks for this, just narrate that the PCs clean and dry their gear.

In more general terms there are plenty of ways to spice things up through creative use of Advantage and Threat. Coconuts dropping from palm trees/stones falling from the ruins and hitting people, a swoop's repulsors kicking up sand that either get in someone's face or provides some temporary concealment, and so on. PCs could try and ambush the bikers and take their swoops, either by jumping down from trees/ruins or waiting underwater for a swoop to fly overhead and then grab hold (repulsor-vehicles can move over water just fine).

the gang members shooting at a submerged (more or less prone) target while piloting a vehicle?

At least 2 setback, probably 3.

  • the gang members shooting a standing target while piloting?

1 Setback, maybe 2.

  • a party member firing a blaster or slugthrower underwater?

None if at another submerged target in clear water, +1-2 setback for murky water, +2 for a target on the surface in calm water, +3+ for choppy water (would probably just increase the difficulty out right for that)

  • a party member firing a blaster or slugthrower by holding it above water while remaining submerged, basically doing unaimed covering fire?

Probably 2 setback, though I'd just increase, and probably upgrade the difficulty.

  • a party member firing a blaster or slugthrower that has just been underwater a moment ago?

Unless it's an especially cheap weapon, or something known to be effected by water (black powder pistol?) no modifiers. Assume most weapons are reasonably waterproof.

  • the Force Sensitive Exile using her shoto underwater?

Pretty sure lightsabers work underwater, though I might add a setback for water resistance.

the Force Sensitive Exile using her shoto that has just been underwater a moment ago?

No modifiers unless it's a black powder shoto....

  • Can these weapons (blasters, slugthrowers, shoto) function underwater?

GM's call. Current lore suggests that blasters function just fine underwater, though older game systems did apply a penalty to blasters. If you want to apply a penalty, something like -2 damage and -1 range would be an interesting change.

Slugthrowers generally don't work underwater. Bullets do weird things in water, from changing direction, to just plain breaking up. A spent D-point at engaged range might be an interesting allowance though...

It seems Lightsabers are waterproof these days. If you wanted to add a setback for the difficulty of moving fast in water, it think it would be ok.

  • If so, should I upgrade the check and use a Despair to disable that weapon until it's no longer waterlogged?
  • Should there be issues with lingering water once the weapon is out above sea level? Should I upgrade checks here to reflect this?

Unless it's an especially cheap weapon that might not be waterproofed, or one known to be negatively affected by water, I'd have there be no short term effects. Long term if the players don't have the downtime or make a point of getting their weapons clean, using 3 threat to have some kind of corrosion cause the weapon to take a step of damage is probably fine.

There are several trees and stone pillars spicing up the terrain, which could be used as cover or obstacles for swoops.

The Force Sensitive Exile's shoto is malfunctioning. Currently it overheats and becomes unusable if active for more than two rounds per session. Should I allow the seawater to help cool it so it can be active longer?

That's exactly the kind of thing you spend Triumphs to make happen.

As far as firing the slugthrowers or the blasters even, after having been underwater, I would upgrade a purple to a red. Any Despair would render the weapon unusable for a time due to the water messing it up.

Artoo's idea is pretty solid, as are everyone else's.

Grenades, grenades, grenades.... the effects of compression while underwate are shall we say, when a concussion grenade is thrown into it and PCS are completely underwater, extremely disorienting and will cause quite a bit of vertigo. Next the compressed water can hit with some great force enhancing the stun effect, breaking and bruising bones, causing hemorrhages from eyes, ears, lungs, nose. Then the water could slam and push about characters and debris so hard they are further slammed into each other, causing further trauma. If a PC is slammed into something solid larger bones could be broken.

Now, how about a flame thrower that leaves a nice supply of burning oil on top of the water, forcing players to go underwater for cover. The FIRE would also require character in the water to make a FEAR check. Drama is Drama...

That above thought can force the threat, drama and action up a few notches, create tension and make an incredible scene.

My dice mod suggestions,

If standing in water and the player chooses to take cover, which requires a maneuveraction, 1 setback die. Think of it this way. Water will slow your movement down making you easier to hit. Spending the action to get this die represents the character (PC/NPC) zig-zagging and watching out for folks shooting at them.

If a character is underwater and spends the maneuver action to dive for cover give them two dice, representing the above setback die and the sturdiness factor of the water(yes it's not sturdy, but in the rules the idea of sturdy cover grants this 2nd die) remember these two setback dice are DEFENSE setback dice.

Also water will not provide DEFENSE setback dice against blast or shock damage.... Salt Water can conduct electricity quite well... Swoop Rider blast nearby power pole sending powerlines into water effecting the characters into the water who are either engaged or taking cover behind it, or who are short ranged (a few meters say about 3).

One thing to keep in mind some slug throwers use gyrojet ammo, which may not be affected by the water.

A single setback die an environmental effect of shooting into the water at a character who is completely under would be appropriate in the minimum. I would also grant a PC a bonus 1 point of SOAK from ranged attacks while completely underwater except from blast, electricity and Piercing type melee attacks.

A character not submerged completely would grant a boost die to enemies shooting at them. Moving in water takes effort, and if they can see the bottom clearly they could trip or stumble. Also remember, It is up to the player to have their PC/NPC choose to use a maneuver to "Dive for Cover".

Moving through the waist high water will take two maneuvers no question.

Shooting from a moving vehicle with a hand held weapon imposes a setback die. I don't think a vehicle mounted weapon suffers this Bone.

Moving through waist deep water will take two maneuvers or a character could either make an average swim(athletics) or a hard (coordination) check to reduce it to 1 maneuver. Because of combat stress apply 1 setback die to either. If using coordination 1 additional setback die could be incurred if the bottom can't be seen clearly and if loose debris or slick stepping surfaces are incurred 1 additional setback die. If the water is on fire add a further setback die.

Try to avoid taking strain from players PCS with threat, give your NPCs boost dice vs. those PCs. Explain it as to avoid X,Y or Z you have to go around it, but end up in the sights of bad guy A.

While underwater moving will take 2 maneuvers as and a average (athletics) check to swim. If the player wants to make it take 1 maneuver the difficulty will be hard. In either case combat stress adds a single setback die. Another setback die is added for debris in the water. Obscuring water will add a further setback die. If the water above is on fire add another setback die.

Remember Fire will cause a FEAR check.

A player can use a perception check to reduce environmental setbacks for the athletics or coordination checks as they find a path. Follow the normal perception skill here.

Smart players may have a smoke grenade to grant them some environmental setback dice for your swoop jockeys. Keep that in mind. A savvy swooper pilot may be able to make a fancy pilot check to blow the smoke away for a turn or two, or with a triumph swamp the grenade all together.

Most equipment will not be waterproof, lightsabres are. As far as the overheat, why is it overheating? A lot of gear is water resistant at best. Most weapons should be fine. Despair should kill a weapon or piece of equipment for the scene as normal. An enemy using a triumph to kill a piece of equipment would do the same thing.

Have fun, crank the action, leave the strain alone...


4. Firing a slugthrower underwater is pointless. The bullet loses all momentum and stops completely after a couple of metres. A blaster, sure, but I'd add setback dice and subtract 2 from damage due to the bolt dissipating slightly in the water.

Hecker & Koch disagrees with you. And I would assume Verpine Railguns do as well.

Special ammunitions seems to do the trick mainly. Setback dice for firing under-water are in order for the limited vision in any case and reducing the range for all weapons at least once sounds in order as well, slugthrower losing 3 bands or 2 with special ammo sounds imho more like it. Or simply make the range bands themselves shorter, which should usually work narratively better as you are maneuvering a lot slower as well. So medium range becomes a half a dozen meters or so, etc. Helps with still using a maneuver to change the range band nicely and takes into account the limited sight as well.

Primitive slugthrowers naturally might not work at all, you are not going to fire a wet musket or similar, so do not even think about firing in underwater.

Here some russian automatic rifles for under-water use with up to 500 rpm under water …

Edited by SEApocalypse

Gyrojet ammo was specifically designed to be able to be utilized equally well in air as well as in the water.

Which is to say it was a major compromise, and didn’t work as well in either environment as weapons that were specifically designed for those environments.

But if you wanted to give someone a major nasty surprise….

4. Firing a slugthrower underwater is pointless. The bullet loses all momentum and stops completely after a couple of metres. A blaster, sure, but I'd add setback dice and subtract 2 from damage due to the bolt dissipating slightly in the water.

Hecker & Koch disagrees with you. And I would assume Verpine Railguns do as well.

Special ammunitions seems to do the trick mainly. Setback dice for firing under-water are in order for the limited vision in any case and reducing the range for all weapons at least once sounds in order as well, slugthrower losing 3 bands or 2 with special ammo sounds imho more like it. Or simply make the range bands themselves shorter, which should usually work narratively better as you are maneuvering a lot slower as well. So medium range becomes a half a dozen meters or so, etc. Helps with still using a maneuver to change the range band nicely and takes into account the limited sight as well.

Primitive slugthrowers naturally might not work at all, you are not going to fire a wet musket or similar, so do not even think about firing in underwater.

Here some russian automatic rifles for under-water use with up to 500 rpm under water …

Just a point of observation: Those particular firearms were built specifically for underwater use, that's why they shoot darts and not conventional bullets.

This is what happens when a regular gun (in this case, an assault rifle) fires underwater:


The headline is hilarious, but the slowmo of the bullet quite interesting, I am actually a little surprised how severe the effect of the rifled barrel is, I was aware that it was problematic, but not how severe the effect from the rifled barrel would be. No wonder that they use a plain barrel for those underwater guns, seems like an absolute requirement. Thanks for sharing.

Based on that I would suggest requiring special ammo for magnetic and micro-missile slug-throwers and a special barrel + darts for 'conventional' rounds based slug-throwers. I would assume that most high-tech slugthrower can be modded in such a way. Sounds like a good case for a 0 Point attachment to switch the barrel and load up special dart cartridges.

Any suggestions for details for such an attachment? Reducing range sounds like a given.

Edited by SEApocalypse

2. A lightsaber should ignite underwater just fine, but I would add at least 2 setback dice to anyone swingin it while submerged. Have you ever tried fighting underwater? Igniting it while wet should make no difference (unless the internal components are damaged); the blade would vapourize any water.

IIRC, Kit Fisto had some custom modifications made to his lightsaber so that it would work properly underwater.

I don’t remember if any other lightsabers functioned under water or not (there were a couple of episodes of The Clone Wars where this might have happened), but I do specifically recall Kit Fisto using his underwater.

2. A lightsaber should ignite underwater just fine, but I would add at least 2 setback dice to anyone swingin it while submerged. Have you ever tried fighting underwater? Igniting it while wet should make no difference (unless the internal components are damaged); the blade would vapourize any water.

IIRC, Kit Fisto had some custom modifications made to his lightsaber so that it would work properly underwater.

I don’t remember if any other lightsabers functioned under water or not (there were a couple of episodes of The Clone Wars where this might have happened), but I do specifically recall Kit Fisto using his underwater.

Lightsabers from Kenobi, Skywalker, etc worked fine too. Blasters from the CTs as well.

2. A lightsaber should ignite underwater just fine, but I would add at least 2 setback dice to anyone swingin it while submerged. Have you ever tried fighting underwater? Igniting it while wet should make no difference (unless the internal components are damaged); the blade would vapourize any water.

IIRC, Kit Fisto had some custom modifications made to his lightsaber so that it would work properly underwater.

I don’t remember if any other lightsabers functioned under water or not (there were a couple of episodes of The Clone Wars where this might have happened), but I do specifically recall Kit Fisto using his underwater.

All I know is Kyle Katarn can have an ignited lightsaber underwater in Jedi Knight, but not in Jedi Outcast. Hence the confusion.

The headline is hilarious, but the slowmo of the bullet quite interesting, I am actually a little surprised how severe the effect of the rifled barrel is, I was aware that it was problematic, but not how severe the effect from the rifled barrel would be. No wonder that they use a plain barrel for those underwater guns, seems like an absolute requirement. Thanks for sharing.

Based on that I would suggest requiring special ammo for magnetic and micro-missile slug-throwers and a special barrel + darts for 'conventional' rounds based slug-throwers. I would assume that most high-tech slugthrower can be modded in such a way. Sounds like a good case for a 0 Point attachment to switch the barrel and load up special dart cartridges.

Any suggestions for details for such an attachment? Reducing range sounds like a given.

My first thought was the Model 38 Air Rifle from Enter the Unknown, but it has a longer range than a standard-issue slugthrower and only does one less damage (albeit stun damage). I think the Model 38 would be pretty reliable underwater. Changing its ammo to something more like standard slugthrower rounds instead of its usual tranquilizer darts, I'd probably give it darts with a similar profile to the Selonian Shard Shooter from Suns of Fortune, (Medium Range, Damage 5).

If I homebrewed an underwater attachment specific to my bounty hunter's Model 77, I'd increase the crit rating as part of the trade-off, but I wouldn't do it as a general purpose slugthrower rifle attachment, since the standard model already has a crit rating of 5. Reducing its medium range to short also seems a bit much, although that's not too unfair if it can fire reliably. My thoughts for an underwater attachment would reduce standard damage by 1 or 2, and add a Limited Ammo 5 or 10 quality for the clips of specialized dart ammo. Replacement clips should be cheap, but hard to find on places like Tatooine.

Edited by intothenight

Gryojet ammo in the Star Wars universe probably works just fine, or I hope it would. Remember, It is a game in a galaxy far, far away & a long time ago. Just sayN.

Gryojet ammo in the Star Wars universe probably works just fine, or I hope it would. Remember, It is a game in a galaxy far, far away & a long time ago. Just sayN.

Nearly totally off topic, but the wiki article to Gyrojets has as well smart bullets as a link. Now that is quite an interesting ammo mod. Bullets which aim themselves for their designated target. And it sounds really fitting for star wars too.