Questions forged in my first game of Runewars

By Cizoke, in Runewars

I love the game but so many questions left!

1) This is really important to maintain the sanity of the players. Is mandatory to move in order to complete a Quest? English is not my main language (my game is in Spanish) and I cant quote right now the paragraphs that point out this relation between Movement and Complete a quest. It seems that you have to move (0,1 or 2) to be able to complete the Quest you have but you can't Heal or Train your Hero and then Complete a quest (e.g. you dont have to move cause you used an Order first to move the Hero). No saying that you cant move, complete quest and then move a second time and complete a quest again, right? (my friend tried this one and we discuss 15 min about it)

2) In an Influence bid? (I dont know this is the way to name it) when every player have to expend their influence tokens and compete with the rest of the players to win the bid, it can be a draw when everyone puts zero tokens?

3) Is possible to build a Fortress on the same spot a city is?

Thank you! :wub:

1) You cannot heal or train and attempt a quest, and you cannot move AFTER you attempt a quest

3) No

1) You cannot heal or train and attempt a quest, and you cannot move AFTER you attempt a quest

3) No


I will appreciate the solution of 2)!

in the event everyone bids zero, then the result is a tie. Thus whoever holds Primarch of the Wizards Council title would decide the outcome. I don't recall who breaks ties if no-one holds that title card, tho.

in the event everyone bids zero, then the result is a tie. Thus whoever holds Primarch of the Wizards Council title would decide the outcome. I don't recall who breaks ties if no-one holds that title card, tho.

The player with the maximum influence, if still not broken - the player with the maximum starting influence (Latari).

The player with the maximum influence, if still not broken - the player with the maximum starting influence (Latari).

Ah yes, quite right. And there you have it.

Edited by Ironglaive