What?! A topic that isn't RtL related?! Hah... I can solo this game without an app! And so, we're gonna be moving along with a brand new campaign.
Now first off, you may recall that I was in the middle of a Shadows of Nerekhall campaign. While I MAY come back to that, I kind of got a bit bored with it. Maybe it was because seeing Changelings and Ynfearnal Hulks almost every quest got a bit boring, but it probably had more to do with the fact the heroes were pretty much steamrolling everything there. So.... it's time to move on.
Time to try and lay this vampire bi-er blonde to rest, so to speak.
For this go round I'll be using the following heroes:
Sir Valadir as Champion, Serena as a Bard, Grey Kher as a Shadow Walker and Challara as a Geomancer. Hmm, kinda a cool combination.
The Overlord will be starting out with Basic I and will be working with the new Ardus X' Erbus Agent and Plot Deck. Whoo! Hopefully I can get him into a quest with Alric Farrow. That might be devastating.
Tune to find out who wins the Intro.