Vorakesh - Zombies

By Straangeer, in Runebound

In the Vorakesh scenario when multiple zombies are in 1 hex and if i want to move into that hex i assume i have to suffer only 2 damage indepedent the number of zombies.

what do you think?

In the same scenario, if i defeat a necromancer during an adventure and in this card's reward section the following is mentioned.:

Kill 1 Zombie

Question: Do i get 1 gold for killing it? Or this is a different kill in contrast that one which is written in the scenario card?

thank you for your answers

Two damage per zombie I think.

As for Necromancer, you don't get the gold I'm pretty sure.

Thanks for posting a link to the card, it makes your questions easier to answer

1. You get only 2 damage, otherwise the wording would have been different (something like "every time a hero enters a hex with at least one zombie, he suffers 2 damage / zombie on that hex")

2. You don't get the gold. In order to get the gold, you need to be in the hex with a zombie and spend one action. But if there are other cards in play whose effect is rewarding you for killing a zombie in general (i.e. without saying "do this and then gain"), then you get those rewards

Edited by Julia