Fatebound Effects

By talicat, in Talisman

Which is a better strategy: Lightbound, Darkbound, Unbound, or Fateless? I've got my Ancient Oak Character as Darkbound right now, and he's not having a very good time. I drew the Titania (Stranger Card) and the Darkbound effect is very unforgiving: Lose ALL Dark Fate, half your lives, and all of your Spells. Nasty!!

I have a love hate relationship with the woodlands. It's too easy to get screwed, and even the good items are often super annoying to remember to use, and some of the destinies are super annoying and overly complicated, and remembering to impliment your path at all times is a hassle.. UUGH

That being said fateless is generally very bad. I think unbound is probably best in general if you can balance it.

Fateless is evil, agreed. // Depends on what you want - unbound is boring and unrewarding, but without risk at the same time.

I would have to count, but I think when I went through the deck for the first time, there were slightly more cards that favored lightbound characters.

[Though there are some pretty crazy good cards for darkbound characters as well.]

Bottom line - there is no "supreme" strategy and I wouldn't have it any other way, otherwise it'd be pretty boring. ^_^

I agree lightbound has it easier than darkbound

I have a question regarding being "fateless". In the rules it states:

A character is fateless if he has no fate. A fateless
character must resolve the lower fatebound effect on
cards he encounters
what is considered "lower"? I would assume the worst effect on the card?. Or does it specifically mean the lower option on the card?

Or does it specifically mean the lower option on the card?


I've played five or six games with the Woodlands in play, and, surprisingly, I have yet to explore it all that much. I think I got into it a little bit my first game, but haven't gotten there at all since.

What I have noticed, though, is that the characters who have gone in there have usually been the ones who wind up winning the game. You can get to be very powerful in the Woodlands.

However, it's not quite like the Dungeon. You have to outsmart the Woodlands to get through it (as opposed to merely surviving the Dungeon). There's a lot of bad staff in there, but with a little bit of creativity you can mitigate most of it.

I'm looking forward to the day where I draw the Elf and can get into the Woodlands, though the Druid would be a lot of fun, too.

Leprechaun in Woodlands = $$$

Edited by Artaterxes

I have a question regarding being "fateless". In the rules it states:

A character is fateless if he has no fate. A fateless
character must resolve the lower fatebound effect on
cards he encounters
what is considered "lower"? I would assume the worst effect on the card?. Or does it specifically mean the lower option on the card?

The lower means the one on the bottom of the card, near encounter number.