This is my first attempt at a DS Deck. How can I make the deck better? I am a very novice player still learning the rules. I traded some old games for a large amount of the game. I will list the deck then give a list of the sets I own.
DS Deck
2x Fall of the Jedi – 19
Darth Vader
Dark Side Apprentice
Vader's Lightsaber
Force Choke
Heat of Battle
The Heart of the Empire – 22
Coruscant Defense Fleet
Kuati Security Team
Sith Library
Force Stasis
There Is No Escape
2x The Emperor's Web – 23
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor's Royal Guard
Sith Library
Force Lightning
Force Choke
2x Vader's Fist – 62
501st Trooper
501st Trooper
501st Legion
E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster
Battle of Hoth
2x The Executor Arrives – 66
ISB Liaison
ISB Liaison
Sith Holocron
The Ghost of the Dark Side – 87
Force Wraith
Force Wraith
Dark Memories
Dark Memories
Force Shockwave
Owned Sets
2x Star Wars: The Card Game Core Set (SWC01)
The Hoth Cycle
The Desolation of Hoth (SWC02)
The Search for Skywalker (SWC03)
A Dark Time (SWC04)
Assault on Echo Base (SWC05)
The Battle of Hoth (SWC06)
Escape from Hoth (SWC07)
Edge of Darkness (SWC08)
Balance of the Force (SWC09)
Echoes of the Force Cycle
Heroes and Legends (SWC10)
Lure of the Dark Side (SWC11)
Knowledge and Defense (SWC12)
Join Us or Die (SWC13)
It Binds All Things (SWC14)
Darkness and Light (SWC15)
Rogue Squadron Cycle
Ready for Takeoff (SWC16)
Draw Their Fire (SWC17)
Evasive Maneuvers (SWC18)
Attack Run (SWC19)
Between the Shadows (SWC22)