Promo archer + SoB cannons = big damage?

By Ryric, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

It occurs to me that the promo archer guy (can't remember the name right now) who gets to add his range to his damage might be very strong with some of the ranged cannons from Sea of Blood, since there appears to be one that adds +8 range to the attack. It seems like he could be 10-15 spaces away from his target (especially because he could target the far side of the enemy ship) and really blast the heck out of sea encounters.

The Hawkeye Canon adds only 7 range, but yes, Tobin could easily sink most enemy vessels with two of those and a battle action. So could Laurel if the ships get close - there is a location that essentially narrows the sea map down to a tight passage where the ships start within one ot two spaces of each other.

Also, the fastest ships set up last, so as long as the party's ship is fast they'll be able to ensure that Laurel is always next to the enemy (or Tobin is really far, but using Tobin requires owning a promo).

Don't think the hero ability can affect cannon. Since it is already ignore armor.

I don't see why Tobin's ability wouldn't work. The wording on Tobin's ability states when making a ranged attack, unless cannon are considered different from ranged attacks.

dmhops said:

I don't see why Tobin's ability wouldn't work. The wording on Tobin's ability states when making a ranged attack, unless cannon are considered different from ranged attacks.

Some of the cannons make ranged attacks, others make magic attacks. As long as the cannon Tobin is using is the former type, then I agree his ability would work. The conditions for it to work have been met.

To Whipko, the cannon's property to ignore armor is an effect granted to any attack made with the cannon. It does not prevent other abilities the hero might have from working as well. Tobin's ability does not say he must be using a particular type of weapon, it only says he must be making a ranged attack. See above.