Haven't been much of a painter, that was until I stumbled across Mr Sorastro and his painting guides. If you have not seen them, then pop over and take a look. They are very good, he even goes into mixing ratios, how to blend etc etc. Even has videos on Descent and Zombicide
I still have a long way to go to finish them all but with some help from Mr S they will get done. (Just need him to post his videos fast and paint faster )
I have numbered the individual figures on the rear of the base as I, II AND III (neater than 1, 2, 3 if more than 1 in a deployment group) and different colours if more than 1 group with the same figure pose. The damage is then placed on the deployment card with 1 - top, 2 - middle and 3 - bottom of the card. Stops the board being clogged up with damage tokens.
I'm not that good a painter, but they have turned out plenty good enough for the tabletop.
It all started with getting Boba Fett and painting him up to see what it was like. He turned out ok. I then spray varnished him and he is now cloudy and the worst looking figure
I then bought the game and carried on painting.
Some Troopers with using the black and the alternate pose as elites when required.
The groups can be distinguished by the different coloured markings on the rear of the base, along with the number of each figure in the group.
The same with the Probe Droids. I find this a lot better then having different coloured bases or markings that were not in the films.
The Elite Officer could afford some gloves
The main man himself. Mr V.
Edited by TryerImp