Small update to the Elementalist?

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

Since the release of The Woodland expansion and its characters that use tokens, I wanted to use something else, other than a fate token, for the Elementalist's elemental marker.

Rather than using a single token for a shift of 4 in attributes, I thought it might be nice to give him/her/them a bit more choice and have 4 separate tokens to use.

As per the Ancient Oak, I've allowed the increase in attribute values, but don't think that will make a huge difference.


Any thoughts on this?

I like this. This is fantastic and brings the character in line with later expansions. There are probably a few other we as a community could tweak to bring them in line with the latest expansions. There are also a bunch of cards that are weak that could be amended. hmmmmm

Hello everyone,

Its been a while; work.

I think the idea is just fine. I've noted more than a few cards and Characters that might benefit from some kind of supplementary counter. What were you thinking? Poker chips? Glass beads?

Personally, just because I have access to the technology I laser cut a rotating counter (out of 1/8 inch plex) and held together by magnets. Largest is 3 inches, dropping by 1/2 inch each circle.!4759&authkey=!AIKGBTNFD5Np2jw&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg

I know I'm Canadian and should be metric, but the plexiglas is measured in empirical so what you going to do?

Edited by caeaston

I have an eye on the Influence markers from the latest version of the AGoT card game. Not ideal, as they appear to be wax seals, but they will do for now!


Why not just take the two elementals in the pic and use them as tokens. Print them as round tokens that is blue-craft red-strength. Then make them 1 on each side so then players can just flip them. Love the "a bunch of cards that are weak that could be amended" idea too.

Tried it, but prefer to use tokens that look and feel original. I'll upload a pic later.

Can't find those particular ones offhand, but found these that I made from a fancy "elemental" image that I found (left).

No idea what it is from... :)


Oooh.... and he immediately finds them. Not great, but here they are.


You can see that I tried to stay with the fate token vibe.

Edited by talismanisland

Oooh.... and he immediately finds them. Not great, but here they are.


You can see that I tried to stay with the fate token vibe.

Officially saved!

If you open the image in a new window and change the .jpg to .png you will find a larger version.

...and now I can't stop tinkering.

Here's a slightly less "busy" version.


...and now I can't stop tinkering.

Here's a slightly less "busy" version.


Officially saved again!

If you have orange & purple cones for light/dark fate, you can use them!

You can, but it's not quite the same as flipping a token (or tokens).

Okay. Last one. Promise...


Okay. After a bunch of (less than inspiring) attempts at making an Elemental marker, I have settled on actually buying some art assets to produce some tokens for the Elementalist to use.

They are a bit cartoony, but I really like them, so :P !

Instead of red and blue to differentiate the tokens, I have changed the character card to use fire and water.

token_elementalist_fire_small.png token_elementalist_water_small.png

I have another character/token combo to show off in the future, which is also a bit of fun :)

They are excellent! I love the fish.

I updated the card (see the top post) and uploaded the "expansion" to Talisman Island -

Does anyone else use any "mechanically" different characters?

So, my tokens arrived from The Game Crafter...



Edited by talismanisland