Film Critic and Casting Call

By TheDolph, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

If the runner uses film critic to take an agenda that is hosted with casting they get the tags or not?

Film Critic says when you access an agenda you can host it on film critic. Casting Call says when you access the agenda you take the tags. I would think that by accessing the agenda to host it on Film Critic you also trigger the condition for tags.

Both effects meet their trigger conditions at the same time. This causes the rule for simultaneous resolution to come into play. As this will normally happen on the Runner's turn, all Runner effects must happen before Corp effects. By the time you would resolve Casting Call, the Runner is no longer accessing the card and you do not resolve it.

If the Runner could somehow access on the Corp's turn (An Offer you can't Refuse into Bullfrog or Copycat, perhaps) then the Casting Call would resolve first.

Edited for minor error

Edited by CommissarFeesh