Whats the longest round and shortest round for a win?

By chriscook, in Star Wars: Rebellion

We had a game go to turn 10 the other day. we have also had it end round 7. How about everyone else (excluding their first game or 2 when no one had a clue what they were doing lol)?

My games have been very tight from 6-8 turns.

Every game I've played has ended in round 6 or 7.

This is actually a good piece of information to give to a new Imperial player. This gives them a time table to work against.

Edited by Stone37

We had a game go to turn 10 the other day. we have also had it end round 7. How about everyone else (excluding their first game or 2 when no one had a clue what they were doing lol)?

As a follow up, I have never had a game come close to 10 rounds. I am curious, what made the game go so long? Was it lots of blocking other players missions or Rebels focusing more on slowing the Imperials down than completing their objectives? Or something else?

My game last week was over in 4 turns. I played Rebels and chose Ryloth. On turn two, the Empire destroys Kashyyyk. On turn 3, Boba Fett captures Leia, brings her before the Emperor and turns her to the dark side.

On turn 4, I move forces from the Rebel Base to Rodia (Rebel loyalty). I plan to attack Naboo (Rebel Loyalty, Imperial subjugated) for one round and retreat to Geonosis. The hope was to deliver a Crippling Blow (destroy three units in a combat I initiate) and Establish Outposts (have units in 5 systems). I begin the attack from Rodia to Naboo, but the Empire blocks my retreat with a tactics card (gained through dice, he has no leader in the system). I am forced to fight another round and lose more forces. Next, the Empire attacks from Naboo to Geonosis, taking all of his forces. He fights for one round then retreats forward to Ryloth. He reveals the base and easily crushes the small force.

Hmm I'm not sure you can retreat forward like that unless there really were no other options. It'd be good to check the rules.

My shortest game was also 4 rounds. Rebel base was on Endor and I (the Imperials) was being thorough. 6-8 seems pretty typical for a Rebel win, though the Empire can also win at that point.

It would have been legal as long as all of the other adjacent systems did not have Imperial loyalty, or any Imperial units.

I have only played two games so far, and both have ended on turn 6, one rebel victory, one for imperials. The imperial win game would have gone on a bit longer, the rebels weren't very close to victory (I captured Luke with the emperor, so he was down a leader plus I moved the tracker back 1). But, it was his first time playing and when I declared the card that lets me ask if the rebel base is in a system and he has to answer, he got the term "system" confused for "region", and I was able to find it out that turn, and get adjacent, and then attack it the turn before he could run.

Without a lucky find/poorly placed rebel base I don't see the empire winning before turn 6, and the rebels seem to be able to pull off enough to win by turn 7 or so. I'd agree with Stone37 on turn 6-7 being pretty average. I would love to participate in a 10 turn game though (provided pretty concise turns) because my biggest complaint so far is that you don't get to make much use of the star destroyers or mon calimari cruisers that you make after the build stage of the 2nd turn.

I won a game on at the beginning of turn 5 with imperials.

My last action of turn 4 I moved a gozanti and 2 stormtroopers into Dagobah. Turned out to be his base(which I didn't really expect). Death Star was sitting in Naboo and I already had a superlaser online card in my hand. So start of turn 5 I moved the death star fleet into dagobah, Rebel player activated rapid mobilization, and I responding by destroying the planet

Edited by FNG tie pilot

I won on 12 in my last game as the rebels. For some reason I was having Trouble getting objectives compeleted until the very end. He destroyed a fair amount of my forces early but I was able to keep the base hidden. Probably could have played better, but still got the slow win.

Turn 1 Imperial win. Put the Deathstar into Tatooine with a At-St and 3 troopers. Happened to be the base, with 3 rebel troopers and speeder. He had no Leaders to fight with, and I got just enough block damage to keep the ATST alive long enough to finish the base off.