It has been a few years since I departed from my Games Workshop hobby. No anger or hate, the hobby just got too expensive and required too much time commitment. Since then I've been happily enjoying all things Star Wars.
But the Grim Darkness keeps calling.
The desire for darker, more grown up roleplaying.
What is putting me off is similar to what's putting me off the Star Wars RPGs: the number of and prices of books. I'll be happy to get Dark Heresy 2nd Edition and it's three supplements, but it'll take some convincing.
Are there rules for Space Marines or are they easy to house rule?
Are there rules for civilian vehicles or can I easily house rule?
Are there rules for various locations, such as Daemonworlds and Hive Cities, or is it easy to house rule environmental effects and local flora and fauna?
Those are my top questions but feel free to boast about the game. I know I like the character creation from reading reviews of it.