Rules for new characters or variants

By silenceindigo, in Cave Troll

Are there any rules or options for designing new characters or variants available for this game (online), whether done by FFG or by fans? I can't find much support for it...

Well that's not much help, but I looked for that a while ago, too, and din't find nothing, so my personal guess is a no. (Though I would love it if anyone proves me wrong :-) )

Hey everybody.

We play Cave Troll almost every day during our lunch break at work. The two in-game variants got boring to us so we created our own, just to shake things up. This may seem weird, and we had to play-test for about two weeks before we got into a groove, but we now use ALL the cards at once. Let me explain:

If you draw a character card (single-type) that uses the same miniature as another card that is already in play, you add the abilities together (for the most part) to create a super-character (double-type). Knight/Paladins, Orc/Grunts and Theif/Assassins are NASTY. There are weird exceptions to the rules, which I'll try to explain below in as much detail as I can, so that you can try out this variant in your game...

• Because of the number of cards in the deck, we've added one extra action per turn for a total of 5. It helps the game move along.

• If a single-type character dies (i.e. Thief), that character can come back if the card of the alternate type of that character (Assassin) is later drawn and played. She is now the single-type character Assassin only.

• If you have a double-type character (Orc/Grunt) that has a single-type (Grunt) that can be affected by an ability of another character (Assassin), the entire character (Orc/Grunt) is affected. The character is BOTH types at all times and cannot be separated unless, and until, it is killed. If the Assassin uses her ability on an Orc/Grunt, the entire character is killed. You can't just lose the "Grunt" part.

• Conversely, a character that normally cannot be affected by a single-type character, may be affected by its double-type. For instance, a Barbarian can't be pushed by a Wraith, but CAN be pulled by a Siren Banshee or Wraith/Banshee. The Barbarian still can't be pushed, but he CAN be affected by the other abilities of the double-type character.

• If a double-type character is killed, only a single-type of the character can be resurrected with the chalice (I think) artifact.

Some notes about specific abilities of double-types:

• Dwarf/Giant Slayer - All abilities on both cards. If used to kill a Rampaging Troll or Rampaging Cave Troll, the entire double-type character is discarded. Can enter a room containing a Rampaging Cave Troll.

• Knight/Paladin - All abilities on both cards.

• Thief/Assassin - All abilities on both cards.

• Barbarian/Berserker - On player's turn, he can chose whether or not to fly into a "beserker rage" and use either the Barbarian or Berserker abilities. This takes no action. Also, the Barbarian/Berserker can use his great strength (as an action) to push a treasure chest into any legal adjacent room.

• Orc/Grunt - All abilities on both cards.

• Wraith/Banshee - All Abilities on both cards.

• Rampaging Cave Troll - Cave Troll abilities only in addition to the ability to move once per turn. Can enter a room containing a Knight/Paladin.

That's all I can recall right now without the game in front of me. I'm sure there are a couple of extra little rules we've had to add to get things to work, but this is what we've come up with so far. If I can remember any additional rules I'll post 'em here. Anyway, try it out and let me know what you think.