SoB Rules - Thoughts and questions.

By snacknuts, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Read through the new SoB rules, a few thoughts and questions. I'm still digesting it all, so some of these things may just be things I've missed.

Boat can't turn, I suppose it makes sense. Because it could only be oriented at 90 degree intervals (square grid), it turning would be rather silly. When SoB was announced I had visions of the boats trying to out-manuever their oponnent, getting them into position for a broadside. Oh well; I'll get over it ;)

There are still some outstanding issues I see.

Soar is still weird; Why would a figure (razorwing) swoop? The rules prevent prevent a soaring creature from being the target of an attack, but it is not prevented from making one itself.

My new questions/concerns mainly involve the new ship section.

Ship movement. When are/can cannons on ships placed/moved? A shiny new dragon fire cannon can be countered by the opposition staying on the other side. Are the placed --

When they're purchased? -- The overlord would have an advantage since he can react to the heroes placement. If this is the case, It follows the Overlord would get to place his cannons when the encounter begins. (Maybe, they gun layout is specified on the encounter description/are picture?)

When they become relevant? -- When the encounter begins does the overlord or heroes place their cannons first?

I suppose the advantage gained by either side might be minor.. but I would like it to be clearly stated ;)


I suppose a figure can remove his armor to lesson (or remove) the armor penalty, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is simplier. How is armor that provides variable bonuses (Wizard's cloak: +2 Armor vs. Ranged/Magic. +0 Armor vs Melee.)

Resting, Although strange, I suppose a swimming figure could rest in the water. Moving into new water space required the fatigue or health payment, but staying put (treading water?) is payment free. A figure could rest, then on the next turn recover fatigue, remove his armor and move as far as his fatigue/movement allow.

Entering ship from the water? Can a figure enter their or the enemy ship from any adjacent square? The rules don't mention this, so I assume so. While swimming to enemy ship this seems a worse idea then swing on the rope.. swimming might be the only choice (monster may block the swinging movement), or a hero falling in (knock back, failing to swing) might need to swim back on board.

That's all for know, to many questions can flood a thread with too many answers :P

Soar: "Any figure with Soar is considered to be flying above the ground, and the range both to and from it is increased by four spaces ." (SoB p.41) If you swoop if you don't want the +4 distance penalty on your attack.

Swimming Armor: I believe the Wizard's Robe is "0 Armor, +2 vs. Ranged/Magic". I would tend to assume that conditional armor bonuses are not considered part of your armor total unless the condition applies (anyone want to argue that water counts as ranged or magical?) or the rules specifically include it.

Treading Water: There's a general FAQ ruling that if you start your turn on a "damaging effect" and do not move off of it during your turn, you suffer the effects for entering the space at the end of your turn. It's not clear to me whether this should apply to deep water as written, but I suspect it will be explicitly extended to cover deep water.