Nara the Fang - if you are willing to part with it...

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If any of you are willing to let go of your Nara the Fang figure and Runebound stat card that comes free for a limited time with Sea of Blood, let me know. I'd give $10 (Paypal) for it. You can keep the Descent stat card.

My contact info is my sig...

I'd give you mine as I do have the original promo from a convention in Germany. I don't have Sea of Blood, however. Maybe I'll get it over christmas, if I remember I'll let you know.

nachti said:

I'd give you mine as I do have the original promo from a convention in Germany. I don't have Sea of Blood, however. Maybe I'll get it over christmas, if I remember I'll let you know.

Yea for you it would work out well if you ended up getting Sea of Blood. You could give me one of the figs and the English Runebound card you get with Sea of Blood and then you would still have the Descent English/German stat cards and a figure.

I only want a figure with English Runebound stat card though as I plan to play the figure in the game.

Has it been confirmed that the Runebound stat card is even included in Sea of Blood? The press release used the singular word "card" when referring to the "Nara figure and card" that came with Sea of Blood. Personally I'd be surprised if the Runebound card was included in a Descent expansion.

Steve-O said:

Has it been confirmed that the Runebound stat card is even included in Sea of Blood? The press release used the singular word "card" when referring to the "Nara figure and card" that came with Sea of Blood. Personally I'd be surprised if the Runebound card was included in a Descent expansion.

I emailed Thadd about it and she thinks it will come with one because all the promo figures she has seen of Nara come with both Descent and Runebound stat cards (conventions etc.). That is not a 100% confirmation, but it does sound likely.

I've bought my SoB copy at Essen and I can definately confirm that there was a Runebound card included.

theasaris said:

I've bought my SoB copy at Essen and I can definately confirm that there was a Runebound card included.


Sea of Blood is in stores now. If you are willing to sell your Nara promo figure and english Runebound card for $10, my contact info is in my signature.

Nara, looking for Nara!

Anyone with a Nara for sale?

I sent you an email.

Malicain said:

I sent you an email.

Looks like Malicain is gonna sell it to me.

I'll let you guys know after the transaction is complete so you can disregard this thread.

Thanks to those who have emailed me thus far!

Malicain said:

I sent you an email.

Thanks for the fig and cards!