Required Reading?

By priz2, in Rogue Trader

Xisor said:

With regard to Rogue Star/Star of Damocles , I'd say they're good reading. You can tell they're first novels by Hoare and that he's not a fantastic author. Still, some of the material in them is utterly delightful. The daughter's 'altercation' with planetary defence turrets, the exceedingly creepy refuelling scene in the second book, for example.

I think those two books are essential to the game, as they are very easy to read, fast books (less then 250 pages each I believe) and show a wide range of Roge Trader encounters, from the aformentioned refuelling scene, to warp encounters with chaos spirits, to astropaths, space marine crusades, inquisition confrontation, trade, space combat and more.

At times it seems like multiple storylines are crossing over and smother each other, but for the whole I think if a third novel was produced to finish it off, then a omnibus could be re-edited from the three for a complete and finished work.

Peacekeeper_b said:

I think those two books are essential to the game, as they are very easy to read, fast books (less then 250 pages each I believe) and show a wide range of Roge Trader encounters, from the aformentioned refuelling scene, to warp encounters with chaos spirits, to astropaths, space marine crusades, inquisition confrontation, trade, space combat and more.

At times it seems like multiple storylines are crossing over and smother each other, but for the whole I think if a third novel was produced to finish it off, then a omnibus could be re-edited from the three for a complete and finished work.

Oh, I mostly do agree, though essential could be overstating it. The 'gulf' (if you'll pardon the pun) left without a third (or fourth) book makes them more'n a little frustrating. I suppose it's as good a time as any to ask the author: the new Space Marine Battles series, any chance we'll see the various battles in and beyond Damocles? I recall you (Andy!) are reported to have once said you had a firm explanation for the Tau's timeline oddness (e.g. precisely when was the Damocles Gulf Crusade...). But that's by the by.

I'm a little sad for being on the far side of the planet from my copies of the duology; the refuelling scene really did make a serious impression. Properly weird. The series really could do with a conclusion and perhaps a bundle of short stories to round it out to omnibus length. Hell, harrass 'em to make a Space Marine Battles-style book on the topic. Maps, outline the specific 'endeavours' as if from Lucien's notes, the broader notes of the Damocles Gulf, Perdus Rift, the Kroot Enclaves, the Septs etc. A nice patchwork 'Lucien's-eye view' collating all sorts of info and tidbits from (and beyond) the story. Bah, Black Library! So many opportunities, so few/such slow realisations!

All good thoughts, cheers. I have the third book planned out, but there isn't any crossover with Hunt for Voldorius, sorry!

I like the premise behind the two books, alot. It's got scope to be an open ended series or at least polish off the Damocles Gulf (and aftermath) Crusade. A third novel (at least) and omnibous edition (with shorts/ maps) would open up more marketing oportunities too and could tie in well with RT as Scourge the Heretic does for DH.

Andy Hoare said:

All good thoughts, cheers. I have the third book planned out, but there isn't any crossover with Hunt for Voldorius, sorry!

Andy, I'm trying to hunt down your first book, but everywhere I'm looking they want crazy money for it . . . any suggestions on where a person in the states could order this?

I've sent off a few enquiries, so I'll let you know if anything comes up mate. Andy

Andy Hoare said:

I've sent off a few enquiries, so I'll let you know if anything comes up mate. Andy

Thank you sir.