Xisor said:
With regard to Rogue Star/Star of Damocles , I'd say they're good reading. You can tell they're first novels by Hoare and that he's not a fantastic author. Still, some of the material in them is utterly delightful. The daughter's 'altercation' with planetary defence turrets, the exceedingly creepy refuelling scene in the second book, for example.
I think those two books are essential to the game, as they are very easy to read, fast books (less then 250 pages each I believe) and show a wide range of Roge Trader encounters, from the aformentioned refuelling scene, to warp encounters with chaos spirits, to astropaths, space marine crusades, inquisition confrontation, trade, space combat and more.
At times it seems like multiple storylines are crossing over and smother each other, but for the whole I think if a third novel was produced to finish it off, then a omnibus could be re-edited from the three for a complete and finished work.