Painting X-Wing with cheap acrylics and no experience.

By Wichenstaden, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Best way to varnish is two cans - one gloss, one matt.

You spray the gloss first, which is harder wearing but looks bad, then the matt which looks better but is softer wearing.

Then, when the mini starts going shiny you know the matter has worn through and it's time to give it a wash down and a recoat with matt.

Also worth buying a pot of brush-on gloss for covering the glass bits afterwards, makes them look much better.

Best way to varnish is two cans - one gloss, one matt.

Seems like an overkill to me, to be honest. You'd need helluva lot of handling to wear the varnish, especially as X-wing models are moved around the tables mainly by the base, not the model itself.

EDIT: now that I think about it, I'm using satin varnish only, it's probably more durable than matt, so you may have a point there with double cans. However, I wouldn't recommend matt spray anyway, it makes models stand out less.

Good idea on the brush-on gloss for them windows BTW, I'll give it a try.

Edited by hilux

Yeah, you're probably right.

I'm nothing if not willing to go way overkill on stuff like this though!