Once I was happy(enough) with the green markings, I moved on to the yellow. Going in, I knew that straight yellow is extremely hard to work with in any medium. To me, it seems like it doesn't have any pop at all. To help it look like something other than a lemon smear, I added a little red to bump it towards the orange side.
And I emphasize "a little" when describing how much red I added. I put a tiny dot on the pallet, then pulled a small brush stroke from the edge of that dot to the yellow pool and mixed. That tiny amount was all that was needed to completely change the color from " why-even-bother yellow" to an amber color that was very nice. I contemplated desaturating the amber with some gray like I did the green, but didn't want to attempt it. Mine turned out ok, but I still think all basecoats should be desaturated at least a little.
The yellow was a pain to paint with, even with the red I added to it, so it took several coats to get it to that point, and the extremely rough edges are a result of that. Eventually, I was able to clean it up enough to look like an intentional stripe. I also decided to add a little asymmetry and masked off a stripe on the inside of the bottom right wing. I free-handed everything else, but I didn't trust that I'd be able to do a straight line on the inside of the wing by hand. It worked out ok and only a little bled under the tape.
After some more clean up and some edge highlighting with a watery off-white, I got to the stage that I consider to be "done":
Ta-daaaa! An X-Wing with cheap acrylics, cheap brushes, and next-to-no miniature painting experience.
I'll go ahead and admit that I'm not actually done with this one, but it is at a stage that it looks good next to the stock figures. In fact, I only notice the defects in these pictures. To the naked eye at table-top distance, I can't see any errors. I could put on a clear coat and start testing to see how the paint holds up over time, but I don't think I will call it quits just yet.
I want to sharpen my lines, especially on the fuselage and cockpit, and add some more detail. The astromech needs details, the rust could use some more depth, etc. After that, I can't decide if I want to risk weathering it or not...
Everything in Star Wars is filthy, so I feel like it needs a lot of grime, but I'm kinda' scared to go through with it. This is where my confidence is starting to wane.
Edited by Wichenstaden