First of all, I will try to put all together.
Bright Hope: while defending against an attack that does not target your rear hull zone, before you suffer damage reduce the total damage by 1.
APT: deal 1 face up damage card to the defender.
ACM: each hull zone adjacent to the defending hull zone suffers 1 damage.
Said this, my thoughts: bright hope has a curious timing, it works while defendig but before you suffer damage (in order to be precise). As far as I understand the attack it would work after brace token takes place so if we brace to 1, we take 0 damage. Of course, Bright Hope doesn't have brace and all this mean nothing but what happen with crits as APT or ACM? I think APT works normally cause no damage is done, APT gives damage card and I think the difference had been argued in other threads. But ACM says damage, not damage card. Bright Hope would suffer damage so would the title work here? What would be the total damage then? If it works and bright hopre would reduce just 1 of the "2" ACM damage who choose the hull zone that will not suffer damage?
The easiest answer I can find is that Bright Hope just work after crits and when we are dealing the damages 1 by 1. There is not a "suffering damage" specific step of the attack, but we can infer it from the order the rules describe the step 5. I think this cause is the only way I can put sense on the interaction with ACM but in these cases I try to follow the RAW but with this I can't.