Risen From The Sea vs. Crown Of Gold or Draecarys

By Rick IsLitFam, in Rules Questions

Hello everyone,

I want to clarify a moment that happened at a recent tournament. I attached Crown Of Gold on Asha Greyjoy. My opponent then played Risen From The Sea to save her. Due to the text of Risen From The Sea, I explained that Asha is still dead because she comes back in at 4 STR before the + 1 Str is applied to save her. Risen From The Sea reads: "When a (GJ) character would be killed, save it. Then, attach Risen from the Sea to that character as a Condition attachment with the text: "Terminal. Attached character gets +1 STR."

Would I be correct? I put Draecarys in the forum title because the same could be applied to Draecarys, as well.

Asha is 4 STR base, so she is killed by the Crown of Gold - but before that happens, she is saved by an effect which, when taking into account both aspects (the save and the +1 STR) would save her AND remedy the ongoing "kill at 0" condition, putting her at 1 STR (outside of the kill range of Crown). Playing a Risen to save a 4 STR character from Dracarys or Crown of Gold is legal.

For more info on why this is the case, check out the rules board on cardgamedb, especially the unofficial FAQ (q13)

Generally speaking, you do not treat the "then attach" part of Risen from the Sea as a separate ability (because it's not). So there is no actual moment in the game where "kill at 0" is considered to apply again before the "+1" attachment is on the character.

Thanks everyone!