Oversee project card question

By Ou1975, in Star Wars: Rebellion

If you use this card can you deploy the unit in a subjugated system

Edited by Ou1975

You can always deploy in a subjugated system (unless the rebs have troops there as well).

That being said, yes as the only limit is that you have Units in the system and your opponent does not

I meant sabotaged system, lol not subjugated

I meant sabotaged system, lol not subjugated

Also yes.

You cannot deploy to a sabotaged system

You cannot deploy to a sabotaged system


Also, this thread was six weeks dead.

Edited by KoalaXav

"Abilities cannot "build" or " deploy " units in a system that contains a sabotage marker"

This card is clearly "deploying" a unit.

So I disagree.

On second thought, I think you may be right. But this thread is still six weeks past expiration.

Sabotage only affects the Refresh Phase steps for 'build' and 'deploy'.

From the Rules Reference:

A sabotage marker prevents the system from both using its resource icons to build units and from deploying units there during the Refresh Phase.

Card-based actions (like Oversee Project) are not part of the Refresh Phase, and are not affected by Sabotage markers.

I think there was a thread earlier that discussed this at length, with a similar conclusion (the card "Golden Rule" overrides the default rule, I think)? Can't find it at the moment though.

Edited by phaze

Why have a bullet point specifying that " Abilities cannot "build" or " deploy " units in a system that contains a sabotage marker" with a specific clarification that abilities that "gain" units in a system are unaffected by sabotage. Only missions and action cards "gain" a player units, therefore this bullet point clearly refers to missions and action cards. So you cannot build or deploy units using Missions or action cards to sabotaged system.

The refresh phase is not an "ability" either.

re:6 weeks old

I was looking for an answer to another question and came across this and disagreed with your use of deploy, hence my comment :)

Mission cards:

Construct Factory - 'place units on the build queue' (clears sabotage first anyway)

Address Delays - 'place units on the build queue'

Oversee Project - 'deploy it in this system'

Construct Super Star Destroyer - 'place 1 SSD on space 3 of the build queue'

Construct Death Star - 'gain 1 DSUC in this system', 'place 1 DS on space 3 of the build queue, 'when the DS is deployed, it replaces the DSUC' (must be remote system, where standard deploy and sabotage aren't allowed anyway)

Establish Trade Relations - 'place units on the build queue'

Base Defense - 'gain 1 Ion Cannon and 1 Shield Generator in the "Rebel Base" space'

Support of Mon Calamari - 'place 1 MCC on space 3 of the build queue'

Incite Rebellion - 'gain 3 RT in this system'

Public Uprising - 'gain 1 C and 2 T units (ships or ground) in this system'

Action cards:

Brilliant Administrator - 'place units on the build queue'

Public Support - 'gain 3 ST in the system'

Temporary Alliance - 'place units on the build queue'

(not at home, so using online list. If I missed any, let me know)

From the above list, only 2 cards use 'deploy': Construct Death Star (where the DS remote system isn't a valid sabotage target), and Oversee Project.

Does it make sense that Oversee Project is the only card affected by sabotage?

Or does sabotage not apply, either via the Golden Rule (card text overrides base rules text) or a rules/card language oversight?

I don't know. I think I'll ask Corey, to find out. =)

Mission cards:
Address Delays - 'place units on the build queue'
Oversee Project - 'deploy it in this system'
Establish Trade Relations - 'place units on the build queue'
Action cards:

Brilliant Administrator - 'place units on the build queue'
Temporary Alliance - 'place units on the build queue'

I'm not at home either but I cannot think of any you have missed.

All the above are ones I would argue do not work, as they are abilities that either "build" or "deploy" units, the others "gain" units and as per the text are specifically not affected by sabotage.

I have emailed FFG a short while ago about Construct SSD and Support of Mon Cal , as we were unsure if these two are affected .

Hello Lewis,

Abilities that "place units on the build queue" are unaffected by sabotage.
From your list below, Oversee Project is the only card that uses the term “Deploy,” and therefore cannot be used in a subjugated system. All other cards on your list can be used in a sabotaged system.

I hope this answers your question!
- Corey Konieczka
VP of Research & Design
Fantasy Flight Games

Yep, Corey replied to my question as well, with the same answer. Thanks for asking, and for adding it to the Official Rules Responses thread!