Noob Comming

By arturalex, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Bood Night Guys,

I receive today the core set of Cthulhu LCG and id like to ask if you have some deck list with only the Core Set Cards.

im searching for hours bur i didnt find anything only with the core set cards, can you help me please?

King regards,


If you only have a single core set at the moment, you should simply follow the instructions in the core set:

Simply combine all of the cards of any two factions and add either the first or last seven of the neutral cards.

This will give you a quite good idea what the different factions are about.

Then you should either

- get one of the deluxe sets for your favorite faction(s), or

- a second core set and either the 'Secrets of Arkham' or the 'Terror in Venice' deluxe set (for more cards from all factions).

To add, most of the discussion about Call of Cthulhu is on so I think not many players really monitor these forums anymore. If you post there and have some expansions to help build from then I or someone else can help make some deck suggestions for you.