So when is this likely to be released?

By copperbell, in The Force Awakens Beginner Game

Well its nice to see something released on May the 4th it however leaves us in the quandary of wondering when this will be released!

So what do you think, will this be released by the start of September or sooner?

I think it said 3rd quarter, so maybe July-Sep.

If its even half as good as it appears to be this will sell out quickly.

The real question is how do they plan accordingly once they're ready to release it?

I suppose like the adversary cards they'll be far from enough but what else do they have planned?

Well, since GenCon is in the third quarter (August), it's possible that this could be one of FFG's big releases.

But I'm thinking that September is more likely, at least for general release. It's possible they might have a limited supply of copies for sale at GenCon.

It's already out, my LCS has some and are holding one for me!

Wait as in out now in the US?

That would be a neat trick, seeing as how FFG's Upcoming Products page lists this as being In Development.

I wonder if John1701's LCS has this confused with the Force and Destiny Beginner Box?

Sure. His local store got it in the day they announced it *cough* Considering they likely haven't even been finalized yet, let alone printed, shipped and distributed, I see one of three possibilities here.

1. John is confusing one of the three existing beginner games for this one.

2. His comic shop is confusing one of the three existing beginner games for this one.

3. John is a troll.

Either way, I put the odds of his shop having a copy on hold for him as slightly less than Disney releasing to theaters a special edition rerelease of the 1979 holiday special in 3D.

Edited by KoalaXav

Actually the odds are 1979 to 1. :P

Actually the odds are 1979 to 1. :P

Never tell a koala the odds!

It's possible that my LCS is confusing it with the force and destiny. I'm going to be calling today to try and verify. I'm not going in until FCBD on Sat. I'm not a troll and never would, I hate that crap.

Edited by John1701

September seems like a good guess for third quarter as Rogue will be out in the coming months after as well as Christmas and Black Friday / Cyber Monday. Good way to get some people who want to get their kids into games like these with something they'd be super familiar with.

It turns out my LCS grabbed a copy of the X-wind Force awakens starter.... Sad day...