Some info from the Regionals in Halifax, Canada last weekend.
6 players, 3 rebel / 3 imperial
3 rounds swiss and top 2 elimination
First place was my imperial list made up of the following ships:
GSD - 2 (x2)
Raider - 1
Screed as admiral and no squadrons.
Second was an ackbar list with the following:
MC-80 assault
Han and YT-2400 as only squadrons
Third was another ackbar list with the exact same ships but more squadrons.
Not sure on the rest. The community is pretty small here (obviously) and everyone is pretty new to the game so there isn't any meta established. I think I was the newest player there as I had only played 4 games prior to the tourney. Not sure if a no-squadron list would work in a rhymerball meta.