First this is not a rant or a "f you FFG". I respect FFG and have played hundreds if not thousands of hours with there systems (d100 ftw) and I have loved almost every minute of it. Dark Heresy, Deathwatch & Only War, bloody good games not perfect but good.
And thats the reason why i feel so sad every time I look at the 3rd edition... what the heck happened? If we look at back at WFRP 1ed we had our flail wielding assassins so saying "the good old days was better" would be a lie. WFRP have evolved allot over the years and it became better with every book that came out. The first editon was good, second edition was great and third edition was horrific bad!
Why? why was that, the reason (in this nerds mind) is that if something aint broken dont fix it! They took a good system, used it in there other series (40k) and then invented a board game rpg that was so complicated even a ANIMA player wins.
The d100 system was not perfect but with a refined hand it can be made much MUCH better, look at Dark Heresy 2nd Edition (no I aint going to start about the other problems the game have but the core system is in place and its good).
If they had made WFRP 3rd Edition a evolved version then It WOULD have been a much MUCH better game.
How can we fix "the WFRP mess" then?
- d100 system
- Simple system that focus on game speed and not how many dice you can role each turn (look at the one ring rpg, its a great system)
- MAPS big laminated maps I can fap on without ruining them of the world and its lands. Info on the land, each place have a story and we want the tools to tell them without using 10 hours on inventing everything our selves.
- Sours Books about factions, races exc. They did have some in 2nd edition but not in the depth we need (D&D looking at you with a big thump up!)
- Balance in the system, even for high levels. (So we dont run in to that "you meet a enemy that have a hard time hitting you and have a gazilion wounds problem)
These are but some of the bigger issues but there are TONS of ways to improve and make the game more fun. Character creation software for out computers, and tools for the gm to make monster & campange lists and what not.
I am still holding my little candle in the air hoping for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game 4th Edition!
PS: More skaven! *Squeek!*