Please assit me to clarify targeting system: Navy vs Squadron

By HarlanDraka1975, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Hi to all, previously, sorry for my bad english. I have a doubt, when a ship attacking other ships may firing two times from different hull side, when attacking squadrons firing from one side of the ship many squadron can engage??? can firing vs the same squadron only 1 time for turn, but all the squadron present in this acrh of fire or can attack only two squadron?

Please assit me with this doubt because from my point o view there is an understanding between manual and compendium

Think of it this way...

A Ship can fire two "Salvos" each turn... Without a special rule in play, each "Salvo" must be from a different Hull Zone... (Say, one SALVO from Front, One from Right)...

A "Salvo" can either be "ONE ATTACK" against an ENEMY SHIP....


There is no arbitrary limit to the Number of Squadrons you can shoot at... So long as each of them are in arc and in range .

So if you have 6 Enemy Squadrons and one ship in your Side Arc, and they're all close enough, you can choose to Shoot at either ONE SHIP or ALL ENEMY SQUADRONS in that Arc...

Thanks Drasnighta you clarify my dubt!

A Squadron in both arcs would be attacked twice, once from the side and once from the front.