Two Questions

By Ysguy, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

When aiding with the improved dwarf ability: do you pull and enemy over and exhaust them? Or do you pull them over, roll including their black dice, then exhaust them? The wording is a little ambiguous.

Secondly, When attacking a face down enemy in the shadows with a ranged attack do you ignore armour? The rule book says they dont have rank and are not nemesis until flipped I seem to recall. If you choose to deal 2 dmg to an orc boy who is face down in the shadows do you flip him and apply 2 damage through his armour?


Good question about the advanced ironbreaker aid ability. The way I read it, you pull and then, if not a nemesis, exhaust it.

No, you don't ignore the armor. Once you've flipped them and their stats become apparent, you must deal with those stats.

Edited by JohnGarrison1870