Invocation Specialties...?

By Necrozius, in WFRP Rules Questions

On pg. 18 of the Core Rulebook, in the Master Skill list under Invocation, there is the following:

Specialisation options : Each Deity has its own specialisation, traditions, rituals, tenets

Okay, that's groovy and all, but I cannot seem to locate anything in the Tome of Blessings regarding this subject, other than fluff.

Does anyone know where these lists of deity specific specializations are located?


I believe that its quite straightforward in that you choose the name of your deity (say Sigmar) as your specialization, and gain a fortune die on all rolls related to Sigmar, from invocations to lore, etc.

I'm sure that any of the deities listed in the Tome of Blessings are viable options, although only three are fully supported by the rules at this time.

I dunno, that seems a little powerful.

I mean, if you're a cleric, odds are that you aren't going to be aligned/dedicated to more than one diety. So you'll specialize once, and not have to worry about using your skill in a way that does not match your specialization.

Essentially, Clerics get a skill in which they can purchase "Specialty: ALL".

I find that a little unbalanced. Unless I'm missing something, spellcasters can use their main skills better than any other career.

It's like Weapon Skill specialty: ALL WEAPONS.

There is a "by order" specialisation for the channeling skill for Wizards too, which presumably means any channeling for a order spell gains a bonus.

This also seems a little powerful, but perhaps it is supposed to be?

This and the priest specialisation would basically count for any spells except minor/petty.

Perhaps the magic expansion will have some generic type spells that you can pick up, which then wouldn't benefit from the specialisation?

Unless there's a good, official explanation for this, I'm going to house rule this.

For mages AND clerics.

Something like: specialization: in-combat, out of combat, speed "casting", self-sacrifice (for clerics). I dunno.

OFF to the House Rules thread I go!!!

The only thing I can see is that there are cantrips and petty magic which aren't aligned to a diety/order. But yeah, it's still pretty much a: all my main spells.

But the other way to look at it is this:

In a game, when a fighter choose their main weapon, how many times do they actually lose it and are forced to use another weapon? I've had 2-h sword fighters who never once lost access to their 2-h sword and thus my specializations always came into effect (this was all D&D but the example still holds).

Why then is it a problem for a wizard or a priest to not have access to their specialization for the vast majority of their spells?

The nice thing is that specialization only adds a Fortune dice which have a 50% of providing nothing. Fortune dice are not overwhelming which is nice. Just a subtle bonus that could help but might do nothing.

Those are very good points, Sarim Rune.

I may reconsider house ruling after all.

If you feel that specialisation for all order spells can be overpowering, you can always split it per rank.

Something like: cantrips, order of fire rank1, order of fire rank2, celestial order rank1, celestial order rank2, Shallya rank1, Shallya rank2 and so on.

Well, also consider that, IMO, spells have a default casting difficulty of <P>, and a lot of them add an addtiional <P> on the card. They also get a <P> for quickcasting. So, allowing them to have a reasonable bonus for specializing helps offest some of the difficulty of casting spells/blessings.