Disorient for stuning weapons?

By kelpie, in Game Masters

I see many "stunning weapon" like the Truncheon got normal damage and Disorient

however, in the description disorient just says "it disorient, adding a black dice to the pool".

RAW assume hitting with a truncheon (or even other "stunning weapon" i see on swrg.viluppo.net list) does normal damage, but target just get a little more difficult to counteract. Also, a critical does real damage (ie impairing rival and nemesis and killing minions)

other weapons with stun settings like blaster does stun damage (ie strain damage) and can actually bring down enemies without damagin it (also, seems no critical)

Is this correct? there is something i'm missing?

The Disorient effect adds a black die to the opponents pool for a # of rounds equal to whatever the Disorient rank on the weapon is. It is a weapon effect you would need to have a pair of Advantages or a Triumph to activate it on the target. Not sure if this answers your question.

And stun weapons can crit, assuming you choose to activate a crit of course.

Ok... sorry if my question sounded a bit confused: i was about to start a game session and searching for answers for a player

he's using a spy/infiltrator with couple of paired vibro-knife

However, he sometime feel the needs of stunning people, so he asked for some "stunning weapon" who can use with melee and could be paired, something like Bobbie Morse's stun batons from Agents of SHIELD tv series.

So i was searching throughout weapon melee list on CRB and found truncheon (i also saw on swrpg.viluppo.net for something similar). But truncheon does'nt do stun damage: they do real damage, with added benefit of disorient, and that's not same thing (to be honest, is a completely different thing)

so we where wondering if there's something we missed about disorient rules (CRB is not an easy place to search for rules and explanations... x_x )

and i asked here

however, after a while he looked into his spec tree and found "stunning blow" talent who let him use his vibroknife as stunning weapons... so, problem solved :D

Also, there is a difference between Stun Damage and a stun setting.

Keep in mind Disorient is a weapon effect and only requires a successful combat check as well as the requisite Advantages or Triumph to activate, whereas to land a critical injury you need to cause at least a point of damage is excess of the target's Soak.