Okay so I know the player limit is 2-4 for a reason and with good reason as with 3 players the board could get easily crowded (especially if people don't encroach on other's access nodes. So this is more of a scenario to throw out there. Just thinking for 5 player games well the board will definitely crowded but not impossible. 6 players would be real short because the board space would be real crowded.
So an idea of the 5-6 player to make it better limiting the # of signature programs to 2. Each runner draws 3 as normal but for the faster game discards 1 program.
But there could be room for expansions. Maybe a 5-6 player board extensions. Also there could be more runners added (say 2-4) even give each of the original runner an extra signature program or two to draw/select from their hand.
So what are your thoughts on MOAR runners?
Edited by Marinealver