OP Modded Guns ('cus sometimes ridiculous is fun)

By ElementalTorall, in Game Masters

Personally, I've always loved Legendary weapons in games. Most recently this makes me think of Fallout 4 and Destiny. Destiny is a horrible crack addiction and it took me a long time to shake it, but part of why it was awesome was because it's so very very sweet to get the very best gun out there. It's even better as a GM when that gun later encounters things that are still challenging.

With that in mind, at the end of my last campaign, I had the PC's chasing down a master bounty hunter who had modded a very special Heavy Blaster Rifle into a ridonkulous sniper. I called it "Dreamer", and the PC's got to keep the gun when they finally tracked this guy down aboard a derelict Separatist capitol ship floating in the ship graveyards over Boz Pity. (the bounty hunter also very nearly killed all 6 of them with this thing).

Here's Dreamer, but just curious who else has put the occasional OP weapons into their campaigns, either for fun or because PC's had a legitimately difficult time getting to it.

Modded Heavy Blaster Rifle Stats

Heavy Blaster Rifle

Skill: Ranged (Heavy)

Dam: 11

Crit: 3

Ran: Long

HP: 4 (GM discretion = 6)


(Auto-fire / Cumbersome 3 / Pierce 1)


Telescoping Optical Sight (2 Hardpoints)

(Reduce Difficulty of a shot made at Long or Extreme range by 1

Marksman Barrel (2 Hardpoints)

(Maximum Range +1 / Accurate 2 (+1 Boost per rank of Accurate) / "Sniper Shot" Talent / Cumbersome 2

Weapon Sling (1 Hardpoint)

(Cumbersome -1 / "Quick Draw" Talent

Superior Customization (1 Hardpoint)

("Superior" Quality (Adds 1 automatic Advantage to all shots)

Put it all together and you get:

Blastech RT97-C Customized Bounty Rifle " Dreamer "

Skill: Ranged (Heavy)

Dam: 11

Crit: 3

Range: Extreme


-Accurate 2


-Cumbersome 4

-Pierce 1


-Decrease difficulty of shots made at Long / Extreme range by 1

-"Sniper Shot" = Upgrade difficulty of combat check by 1 = Weapon may be fired 1 Range band beyond normal capabilities

(in other words, since this gun can already shoot at Extreme range, the PC could theoretically make an orbital shot. One day I'll let them try it)

-"Superior" = All shots made with this weapon automatically generate 1 Advantage when fired

"Quick Draw" = This weapon may be readied as an incidental

So in the end, if you had a PC strong enough to wield the Cumbersome-ness, say with 3 Ranged (Heavy) and 4 Agility, he could draw as incidental, Aim twice (theoretically), and activate Auto-fire, take a Long range shot at a high-value Nemesis w/ 2 Adversary, you're looking at:


+1Adv / +1Pierce v ?

Now I'm not saying this was a fair weapon... but it was incredibly fun to tear the PC's apart for them to get to it, and I enjoyed watching them use it to shred baddies at all distances.

Anyone have OP weapons or ships or gear they've used or made?

Edited by ElementalTorall

A Pair of HH-50's, both Superior with Blaster Actuating Modules;

Skill: Ranged (Light)

Damage: 11

Crit: 3

Range: Short

HP: 2 (Superior & BAM)

Qualities: Out of ammo on 2 Threat, Weapon suffers Damage on 3 Threat, Linked 1, Stun Setting, Vicious 1, Pierce 2, Auto advantage on hit, Add Setback to Use this weapon

Put it in the hands of a Gunslinger Sharpshooter:

True Aim x 2

Deadly Accuracy

2 x Sniper Shot if required

Lethal blows x 4

Improved Quick Draw

Guns Blazing


Hit hard with up to 4 hits in an attack, frightening critical hits if your shooting to kill at +50 on the first critical. Shoot first, shoot fast and hit hard, with Deadly accuracy you can add 4+ damage to the first hit as well. and its mostly with a standard dice pool at the cost of 2 Strain. Even just one of them in a Sharpshooters hands is nasty, let a Jury Rigger at it and the crit or linked quality just gets worse

Edited by Richardbuxton

Hit hard with up to 4 hits in an attack, frightening critical hits if your shooting to kill at +50 on the first critical. Shoot first, shoot fast and hit hard, with Deadly accuracy you can add 4+ damage to the first hit as well. and its mostly with a standard dice pool at the cost of 2 Strain. Even just one of them in a Sharpshooters hands is nasty, let a Jury Rigger at it and the crit or linked quality just gets worse

Make him a Besalisk doing Four Weapon Combat, and eight total barrels of evil being pointed downrange at the target! ;)

I like the idea of this character actually being an Agitator/Enforcer or Aggressor/Warden who has almost no ability to use these weapons, but sure as hell can convince others of their capabilities.

I like the idea of this character actually being an Agitator/Enforcer or Aggressor/Warden who has almost no ability to use these weapons, but sure as hell can convince others of their capabilities.

Nah, my Besalisk is already quite good at Ranged Heavy, Ranged Light, and Gunnery, and he’s only going to get better at them. ;)

Besalisk Heavy who Two weapon combats with Flechette Launchers?

On a side note for anyone wants to make a Super Battle Droid PC the HH-50's are perfect.

Besalisk Heavy who Two weapon combats with Flechette Launchers?

Or Missile Tubes? ;)

We should get a double-ended missile tube for Linked 1! Or a four shot-with Linked 3...



A Longbow that shoots 5 Piercing arrows without the like 5-6 Setbacks you'd need to handle this thing properly, plus regular dmg and Pierce for each impact.

Edited by ElementalTorall

I made a sniper villain with a seriously dangerous rifle that shot micro missiles that were seriously deadly. It had to be loaded after each shot which was its big limit. I had him along with a combat droid sidekick in an industrial facility where the sniper was in a great position to fight the good guys. The fight was going great with the characters having to move under cover fire from each other through a dizzying maze of conveyor belts, cranes and assembly droids. I had a few associates with heavy blast pistols to make trouble and it was going well. As the heroes closed the main villain decided to make his escape. His droid flew him to the ground and they were running for an exit when things went to poo poo.....

The R series astromech decided to hack the computer for the factory and made a great argument for using his Intellect of 5 instead of his Agility of 2 or Brawn of 1 to take over a crane, lift up one of the cars and "brawl" with the villain by smacking him with a car. Which as a silhouette 3 vehicle according to the force throwing rules would do 30 damage.

To make a long story short, bad guy took a Buick to the face and was paste on the wall. The rifle however was unscathed since I use force dice to determine how something totally random can turn out and the guy who wanted that gun rolled two white pips meaning everything comes up roses for the PC. So apparently the guy dropped the gun when he tried to dodge the car. The missiles on the bad guy's person were broken but those on the sling and those held in the stock were fine. So now he has a seriously powerful kinetic weapon that is murder on light vehicles and medium armored targets. He uses it infrequently since it's way heavy and slow to fire, but I have to remember when doing up an adventure he might just swap out his usual cannon for the monster.

The inventor was one of the NPC's they had to deal with and for some reason they stunned him when every other bad guy they killed. Since he wasn't a really bad person, just a person who fell on bad times (deathstick addict) they kept him and now he is their chief engineer. So if they want more missiles, they can get them.... I like badguys to have a history so I made him a Quarren who worked on Admiral Ackbar's flagship before the deathstick addiction made him a security risk and he was fired. So he's a genius who can build anything and make crazy mods to things for them. I figured not killing the guy deserved a reward.

Simple, but shockingly effective? A flawlessly modded bowcaster.

Damage 10

Crit 3

Medium Range

2 HP

Cumbersome 3


Automatic Re-Cocker

Removes reloading maneuver requirement

Auto-Fire mod

Acceleration Enhancement

Increase damage by 1

2 +1 Damage mods

2 +1 Pierce mods

Oh, did I mention the Gadgeteer?

Jury-rigged: Crit rating reduced by 1

Tinkerer: Add 1 HP

Superior Customization

Increase base damage by 1

Generate 1 Automatic advantage

Final results?

"Thrago's Kiss" Customized Bowcaster

Damage 14

Crit 2

Medium Range

3 HP (all in use)

Cumbersome 3


Pierce 2


1 automatic Advantage

Oh, and that Gadgeteer coupled Deadly Accuracy with Ranged (Heavy), so she gets to add her ranks in that skill as additional damage to one attack per round. At the moment, that brings another +3 damage to the table.

Fortunately for the party's enemies, the bowcaster only comes out to play on special occasions.

Edited by intothenight

I know it isn't a gun, but here is a great ship build:

AD-1S multi-role fighter(Normal/After Mods):

Silhouette: 3/3

Speed: 3/5

Handling: 0/+1

Defence: 0--0/0--0

Armour: 2/2

HT: 5/5

SS: 8/8

Hyperdrive: None/Class 0.5

Crew: 1 Pilot/1 Pilot

Encumbrance: 10/60

Passenger Capacity: 2/5

Consumables: 1 Week/1 Week

Price-Rarity: 25,000-7/43,200-7

Weapons: None/Medium Laser Cannon(Damage: 6, Critical: 3,)

Special: Magnetic rails(Remove attachments with a Average(DD) Difficulty mechanics check

Modular rifle(Not modified):

Range: Long

Skill: Ranged(Heavy)

Damage: 7

Critical: 3


Special: Stun Setting

Cost/Rarity: 1000/5

Notes: Made with crafting rules @+2 HP

Edited by GMRen

And here is my OP gun:

Modular rifle(Fully modified):{The Grail}

Range: Long

Skill: Ranged(Heavy)

Damage: 17

Critical: 2

Special: accurate 3, Inaccurate 2, Auto-Fire, Superior, 2 talent(Precise Aim) Mods, 1 Skill(Cool) mod, 1 Skill (Vigilence) Mod, -1 Setback while using this weapon, +2 advantage on initative checks, -2 setback on initavie checks, Pierce 4, +1 boost die to first combat check each encounter, Ion blaster{Ranged(Heavy), Damage: 12, Crit: 5, Range[short], Disorient 5, Ion}, Grapnel Launcher, Stun Setting,

Cost/Rarity: 8000/5

Modular rifle(Not modified):

Range: Long

Skill: Ranged(Heavy)

Damage: 7

Critical: 3

Special: Stun Setting

Cost/Rarity: 1000/5

Are you just sticking several exciter attachments on top of each other or how you get those 10 extra damage? A list of attachments would be nice, I fear I can not follow you how you build this.

I forgot too. I'll try again tommorow.

Modular rifle(Fully modified): The Grail

Range: Long

Skill: Ranged(Heavy)

Damage: 12

Critical: 2


Special: Stun Setting, Auto Fire, Accurate 1, Inaccurate 1, Pierce 4, +1 Boost die to first combat check each encounter, Innate talent Precise Aim Mod x2, 1 Skill Vigilance Mod, 1 Skill Cool Mod,

  • +1 Boost to first Combat check each encounter

Removed Saftey features

  • +1 Boost to first Combat check each encounter

Rapid Recharage Xciter

  • Gain Auto fire and Inaccurate 3
  • 2 -1 Inaccurate quality mods

Overcharaged Actuating Module

  • +1 Damage, on 2 Threat to damage
  • 1 Damage +1 Mod


  • +1 Damage, +1 Advantage

Agumented Spin Barrel

  • +1 Damage, +1 Setback to Mechanics Checks
  • 1 Item Quality(Accurate +1 Mod)
  • 2 Damage +1 Mods
  • 1 Weapon Quality Pierce +1 Mods

Sonic Scope

  • May sight through solid objects
  • 2 Precise Aim innate talent Mods
  • 1 Skill(Cool) Mod
  • 1 Skill(Vigilance) mod

Enhanced Xciter

  • -1 Crit.
  • 3 Item Quality (Pierce) Mods
Edited by GMRen

So I think I accidently forgot to subtract some hard points.

So, if it was my game, I’d only allow you to have one Xciter. But you would get to choose which one you want.

Same with the Overcharged Activation Module versus the Spin Barrel — choose one, but you can’t have both.

And I’m not sure I’d let you combine both Xciter and the Spin Barrel or the Actuation Module. I’d have to do some reading up on exactly what each of those does and how it works.

So I think I accidently forgot to subtract some hard points.

Looks like it, the mods listed give 6 extra damage if I counted right. Still 13 damage on a auto-fire rifle is a lot of damage already, especially with 3 pierce on top of it.

So, if it was my game, I’d only allow you to have one Xciter. But you would get to choose which one you want.

Same with the Overcharged Activation Module versus the Spin Barrel — choose one, but you can’t have both.

And I’m not sure I’d let you combine both Xciter and the Spin Barrel or the Actuation Module. I’d have to do some reading up on exactly what each of those does and how it works.

There's no RAW against it that I can find, just common sense.