Value of the Old TI rpg books?

By Forgottenlore, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hey all.

A friend of mine is selling a bunch of old gaming stuff, including the original Twilight Imperium RPG books (there were only two, I think, and she has both).

How much should she realistically be expecting to get for them?

If she shops them to the right crowd (say, for example, people around here) she'll likely get something resembling a fair price. That is to say, not a lot, but more than a pittance.

If she just throws them up on Kijiji or tries to sell them at a flea market or FLGS, I wouldn't count on them being worth very much at all.

They might be collector's items to people who are really into TI, but probably not too interesting to anyone else.

Is there a lot of fluff in these books, or is it mainly just dry mechanics?

From what I've heard, the game engine itself wasn't that great, but I might be interested in them if they have good fluff.

It's been close to 2 decades since I read them (boy, is that depressing), but what I can remember is that they were totally worthless. No fluff that you couldn't get from the board game and mechanics that a moderately intelligent high schooler could throw together in an afternoon. But she found some sellers online selling them at a pretty high price and I thought maybe they had collectors value I was unaware of due to age and rarity.

She has them up on eBay right now, but it suspect they won't sell for the price she's asking.

I see.

Yeah, I suspect those other sellers are just doing the old "throw it up at a ridiculous price and see if anyone will bite" tactic. There might be a few people foolish enough to jump on it, but I don't think there's any legitimate value to them.

That was my thinking too, I just wanted to double check.

Now, if FFG would just produce a NEW TI RPG, I would be so all over that.

I am in agreement with previous poster.

I have just bought them both from a bookshop. Not the greatest, and the rules are aweful, but the background stuff was exelent. And now i may be in a game using this system, so win.

Yeah, there was some useful fluff in the books.

They're probably not worth a lot though - I picked the ones I have up on E-Bay for fairly cheap a few years ago.