An Imperial Core Rulebook?

By Richard_Thomas_, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

On 4/28/2016 at 8:13 PM, Nara said:

Instead of duty I would go for a mechanic called PATRIOTISM, as everyone is always under suspicion of trahison and whatnot. Could work kinda like Morality in FaD, invert the scale and the lower it gets the more you will be put under the grill, also isn't patriotism the virtue of the wicked :P could allow a group to eventually defect and joins the rebellion or play maybe and undercover ISB agents that get's is loyalty to the empire called into question perhaps for playing is cover role two well.

Loyalty! And played like 1984, paranoid surveilling the other paranoid.

On 5/1/2016 at 11:47 PM, SEApocalypse said:

How about influence? Making the right kind of people happy increases is - which not necessary means being successful, sometimes the right choice is to screw the mission so someone else profits from this. Corruption and all in full progress. It is not about what obligations you have, but about what favors you can call in.

Influence is a form of power

It can't take a lot of imagination to find a fun way to play as an Imperial. There seemed to be a hint in Rogue One that Saw Gerrera overstepped the line between freedom fighter and terrorist. Further, the EU had more than a few instances of internecine conflict within the Empire. Both could make for a fantastic campaign with some fun strange bedfellows.

you can do a lot worse than plagiarise the plot of TIE fighter.

Remember that there are plenty of pirate-infested systems on the outer rim where the sight of a TIE fighter wing might be the answer to a merchant captain's prayers....

I would personally love to see a sourcebook on the Empire, particularly as somone who still references the WEG version for inspiration and details.

I am currently putting together a campaign outline (“Distant Thunder”) where the action begins “in media res” 1 month ABY with the PC’s as Imperial crew on a Nebulon-B Frigate whose Alderanean captain announces he is defecting and any crew choosing to remain on the ship may defect with him.

There then follow a series of encounters of that puts the ship into conflict with the Empire as they attempt to make contact with the wary Rebel leadership. It sort of has a BSG feel to it as they pick up other ships along the way and have to figure out how to refuel, repair and resupply in hostile territory.

A combination of the crew being so diminished through combat, mutiny and desertion and the ISB having 30 years of data on the ships captain means the relatively inexperienced PC’s are promoted to positions of importance.

Anyway. A current sourcebook would be awesome :)

Edited by DangerShine Designs
On 31.1.2018 at 9:12 PM, DangerShine Designs said:

whose Alderanean captain

By the name of Marcus Ramius? :D

7 hours ago, Sunrider said:

By the name of Marcus Ramius? :D

I didn't get the reference so I Googled it - looks like I should give maybe that a watch :)

Three major issues with an Imperial Core Rulebook:

First, from a storytelling standpoint, if they’re going to be doing anything important, the Empire has so much military might that it’s hard to make it difficult. Need to quash an uprising? The PCs are going to have nearly unlimited stormtroopers on their side? Want to have an adventure taking out a rebel base? Why not just bomb it with a Star Destroyer?

Second, from a mechanical standpoint, Age of Rebellion already covers everything a group would need anyway. 99.9% of the information in an Imperial Core Book can just be copy-pasted from Age of Rebellion.

2 hours ago, DangerShine Designs said:

looks like I should give maybe that a watch

Definitely! There's a lot in common between space and deep sea, after all ...

Double post

Edited by Kabal
double post
On 2018-02-08 at 10:51 AM, Yaccarus said:

Three major issues with an Imperial Core Rulebook:

First, from a storytelling standpoint, if they’re going to be doing anything important, the Empire has so much military might that it’s hard to make it difficult. Need to quash an uprising? The PCs are going to have nearly unlimited stormtroopers on their side? Want to have an adventure taking out a rebel base? Why not just bomb it with a Star Destroyer?

Second, from a mechanical standpoint, Age of Rebellion already covers everything a group would need anyway. 99.9% of the information in an Imperial Core Book can just be copy-pasted from Age of Rebellion.

That’s just poor imagination.

The USA has the highest expenditure of any nation on military hardware and yet it still has moments where it can’t be everywhere or unleash its full might.

What if you are Imperials who are hunting dissension within your own ranks as Loyalty Officers or ISB Agents? What if you are tasked with infiltrating a Rebel Cell for the purposes of turning the one known cell into a full fledged understanding of the Rebel Command and its key personnel. Remember, the Iron Fist approach isn’t always the best and was tried and failed miserably whereas Thrawn’s small investigations arguably uncovered more.

A well written sourcebook could capitalize on many of these ideas and more. Defections, Double agents, Training, Promotions, Rank Structures, Organizations, Key Officers/ships/installations etc.

This could be the single greatest sourcebook available to a campaign if it were done right (besides CRB).

On 2/8/2018 at 10:51 AM, Yaccarus said:

Three major issues with an Imperial Core Rulebook:

First, from a storytelling standpoint, if they’re going to be doing anything important, the Empire has so much military might that it’s hard to make it difficult. Need to quash an uprising? The PCs are going to have nearly unlimited stormtroopers on their side? Want to have an adventure taking out a rebel base? Why not just bomb it with a Star Destroyer?

Second, from a mechanical standpoint, Age of Rebellion already covers everything a group would need anyway. 99.9% of the information in an Imperial Core Book can just be copy-pasted from Age of Rebellion.

Don't see the third issue there, but the first one is easily solved. Give some reason as to why the Empire isn't using its military might. Strong as it is they still know restraint, and they also can't be everywhere at once in the big, big, big galaxy. There's no reason a few regiments and an ISD flotilla would be out in the middle of nowhere, but maybe there's a reason an Imperial party would be.

Your second point is good though. Honestly, AoR works fine for Imperial games, and there's even an Imperial Duty chart out there. Personally, on what's honestly personal bias, Fantasy Flight's moved on to the Disney iteration of canon, which I'm not very much interested in, so I'm fine with the old mateiral.

What is in the Empire that is not covered in the military careers of Age of Rebellion? I agree a sourcebook would be perfect (like Nal Hutta).

The military/government bureaucracy is a nightmare of red tape, how do normal soldiers and or officers get to call in for support? are the Diplomatic officers, like the Quartermaster spec. better able to navigate that red tape?

Imperial Inquisitors? and the other parts of the hunter-killer teams that would sent around to find and end the Jedi that escaped order 66.

Major planets of the Empire, like the Kuat drive yards.

just some of the things I would like to see.