My second scenario is a remake and improvement on one of my tutorial quests and is called
The Lost Forge
. This is designed around the Night Goblins and features a leader character along with new goblin cards. This scenario has more of a progressive adventure feel on a familiar theme, where timing is important, and it has mostly been tested to get a good balance for two heroes but the way the game is designed it should work for any number.
‘An abandoned Dwarven Forge deep within the mountains is rumoured to contain a lost relic of great importance. Hopes to unite the Dwarven armies in their battle against the Orc hordes may hinge on the recovery of this valuable item. A small party of brave heroes have been tasked to locate this forge and recover the relic.
However a vicious tribe of
Night Goblins
now rule these tunnels.’
Link to my website >
I hope to hear from FFG that i can post the file at boardgamegeek to help promote the core product. If not then the file will be hosted on my own site for a short time until i run out of bandwidth to support it. I hope you enjoy it - i would be interested to know if you like the format and would want any more in this style.
Edited by Crusaderlord