Questions from recent playtest

By limelight, in WFRP Rules Questions


  • Can someone give me an example of an initiative dice pool? What is the challenge level <P>? Do you add misfortune dice?
  • Stacking successes? If you rolled 6 successes (hammers) can you trigger multiple damage effects or just choose the most beneficial? I know you can trigger multiple boons
  • Is it possible to pump a spell with more power to increase the damage or effect?

Alo my players, much to my surprise , liked the recharges! I am still allowing the choice tot he players if they want to use a recharged skill early, they may expend fatigue or stress per recharge remaining to trigger again

Great time...we love the game

Thanks for any help you can offer!

The initative pool doesn't have a challenge die, unless the heroes are ambushed. It's a fellowship for social encounters, otherwise agility.

For number two, lets say you rolled 6 successes, you could spend 3 to trigger the 3 success effect, 2 to trigger the 2 success effect, and 1 to trigger the one success effect. You can't trigger the same effect twice however.

To my knowledge it is not possible to pump spells. It the cost of casting the spell.

So if an action card success lines read:

1 hammer: hit and do normal damage

3 hammers: hit for normal damage +1 crit

and I roll 4 hammers I can do both? That means with a hand weapon and a STR of 4 I do 9 +9 +1 crit?! that is a lot of damage. are you sure that is right?

If I have read the rules correctly, you can only purchase one of the hammer (success) effects, hopefully being the best one :)

For example,

Hammer - +1 Damage

Hammer, Hammer, Hammer - +3 damage

You rolled 5 successes, but you can only buy one of the success effects, not both.


No, for success lines you can only choose one of them, period. Boon effect lines, however, you can choose as many as you have boons for as long as you don't choose the same line more than once.

So with 5 successes, you'll most likely choose the line with the highest number of hammers, usually 3 hammers being the highest success line.

With 5 boons, you could choose a 3-boon and a 2-boon line, or a 2-boon line, a 1-boon line, and (using 2 boons) recover a fatigue, etc

As for the last question about spells ... only if the spell says you can. Some of the spells allow you to use extra power to increase effects. If it doesn't say, then no you cannot.

thanks for the clarification...I totally blew that one today....our mage did 20 points of damage with a magic dart...feel really dumb right now!

But those extra sucesses can carry over to:

1)The universal boon,boon rule

2)Other active cards you have.


nub5 said:

But those extra sucesses can carry over to:

1)The universal boon,boon rule

2)Other active cards you have.


No. Boons can carry over. Successes don't. Once you've chosen a success line to enact you ignore all other successes.

All this info is very helpful...

As for initiative, here's what the pool looked like yesterday for a normal combat....

ability dice and one challenge die...this seemed wrong to me...should I be adding additional dice???

thanks again for the continued help.

For initiative you are using your Agility characteristic for the roll so it would just be your characteristic dice, no challenge. You could however use fortune points to add fortune dice to your roll. One thing I don't remember however is if you convert any characteristic dice into stance dice. If it is your first encounter I guess you would be at neutral, but if you have two encounters in a row, like the demo adventure, you would most likely be in one stance or the other. Does anyone know if you would convert then?

You do convert the characteristic dice to stance dice even in an Initiative check.

Also, feel free to add Challenge dice if the situation calls for it; for instance if the character wasn't the one on watch and they are in their bedroll.

Mordenthral said:

Also, feel free to add Challenge dice if the situation calls for it; for instance if the character wasn't the one on watch and they are in their bedroll.

Yeah, but because the way Challenge dice and Misfortune dice subtract from successes, if you do want a good spread of initiatives rather than everyone being lumped together on lower values, it can be a good idea to just hand out bonuses to the advantaged, rather than maluses to the disadvantaged. I guess it's just a feel thing for each particular situation.

Mordenthral said:

You do convert the characteristic dice to stance dice even in an Initiative check.

No, you only roll for initiative once, at the start of an encounter. Since you always start an encounter at the 'Neutral" possition, you will never roll stance dice. Unless there is a way to chage your initiative after the first turn that I am unaware of.

A character may choose to reroll for the lowest initiative during a Rally step.