You, miscreants
It was long awaited!
Oh thank goodness! I was starting to worry there wouldn't be any expansions.
On Red Scorpion's Hero Card... is that a new Combat Token icon in the middle?
Ouch, the retail is $20 each. Was expecting $15 based on the materials included. I wonder why it's so proportionally high compared to the base game. I guess base games tend to be lower profit margin than expansions, eh?
Ouch, the retail is $20 each. Was expecting $15 based on the materials included. I wonder why it's so proportionally high compared to the base game. I guess base games tend to be lower profit margin than expansions, eh?
Or maybe it's just part of the illuminated new price policy of the company (see what was said at Gama Trade). Dunno. Agreed, they are on the expensive side
$20 is just a bit too expensive for 30 cards and 1 mini.
Especially considering a lieutenant pack is only $9 for the same size mini, a smaller deck of cards and some tokens.
At least I will get to use my ariad mini more often.
If you don't already have her then it's an extra $15 for her mini.
I like the scenario pack and adventure pack separation though!
Personally I'd be interested in the scenarios but not so much the adventure pack. $20 isn't too bad, but yea, for just a deck of cards it's a bit questionable.
I might hold off until some decent reviews come out before purchasing though.
Consider how creative/brilliant the FFG team was in creating 3rd Ed and the two different types of scenarios, I am a bit let down to see that the new scenario looks nothing more than a re-skin.
Was hoping to see the co-op mode introduced.
Being they are saying 3rd quarter I am hoping it lines up with GenCon for release date. I will be in that fire hazard of a long line to get these.
Also curious if both expansions will be 20 dollars as it looks like the "Gilded blade" just looks like a duplicated "Caught in a Web" on the FFG/AsMO site. So there is hope that the smaller expansion of 1 mini and some more cards do line up with the Descent LT pack pricing.
I'm very glad they finally announced some expansions.
I just feel like they should have been one box for around 30$ or for 40$ with 3 heroes (which would probably be as profitable for FFG as the 2 boxes). At least I would've picked up this kind of box without thinking much about it. This way I probably have to choose one of them, which is imo quite easy considering the imo rather uninspired scenario (of course there could be more to it than meets the eye with innovativ story cards and so on). I really think the scenario should have been more innovativ if they sell it seperatly, but well there IS a new hero in it, so there is at least this incentive. Then again considering the male/female balance of the heroes in the core box, I would pick up a few more female heroes first.
All in all this new mini- and micro-expansion policiy FFG is seemingly embracing is imo quite troublesome. They are doing something similar with Descent, where they appearently halfed a big box expansion into 2 small box expansions, which as a whole look like they will feature less content for a higher price than a big box expansion or even 2 (traditional) small box expansions. Yet the campaign is said to be extremely good, so that's why I'm still considering it.
I don't know if I'm alone on this, but I seldomly go out and buy these expansions that come with very little content, because I feel like they bring forward so little change that I much rather put the money towards new and interesting games. For instance I bought the IA big box expansion as soon as it became available, but apart from that I bought no other IA expansions and aren't even considering them yet. I also picked up the Descent big box expansions without any hesitation, one small box expansion was gifted to me, as well as a H&M pack and for gifts these micro expansions probably work pretty well, but imo not as a genuine "game changer" that brings a considerable amount of depth to the game hence the value isn't quite there for me.
What I'm trying to say is that I only start really thinking about picking up these mini-expansions if the content is extraordinary, hence why I'm still considering the newest Descent mini-expansion and are quite hesistant for the Runebound expansions at this point in time.
How do you feel about this seemingly shift in expansion size or small/mini/micro expansions in general?
Edited by DAMazHonestly, I was waiting for expansions to be announced before making the plunge into this game. I'm happy a Descent villain is getting some love, and Jonas and Red Scorpion are two of my favorite heroes, so I'm all in for these.
All in all this new mini- and micro-expansion policiy FFG is seemingly embracing is imo quite troublesome. They are doing something similar with Descent, where they appearently halfed a big box expansion into 2 small box expansions, which as a whole look like they will feature less content for a higher price than a big box expansion or even 2 (traditional) small box expansions. Yet the campaign is said to be extremely good, so that's why I'm still considering it.
How do you feel about this seemingly shift in expansion size or small/mini/micro expansions in general?
Mini expansions were actually pretty prevalent in RB2. Look up all the expansions on BGG. Yes there were some larger expansions, but most were for just one character or class. I am liking this new format of mini expansions much better they are bigger or as big as their comparable RB2 stuff. Though I will also be pumped at the release of other maps in larger expansions.
I think there are two elements to consider:
a) having a series of small expansions allow the game to be extremely modular and extremely customizable: you don't need to have everything to enjoy the experience, and if you don't like one scenario expansion, then you can skip it; something that's not possible if everything comes within the same box
b) multiple small expansions clearly results in a higher sum of money invested to have the complete line, so collectors would have preferred the other way round
As for me (but it's just a question of personal taste), I'd rather have a smaller number of bigger expansions rather than an army of smaller ones, but I can see both sides of the coin
I'll definitely buy these, as the game needs more variety. But if they continue this system and never add any new game elements, I don't know, I probably will stop buying. They try to turn everything into an LCG. Because while these expansions add variety, they don't add new
(sorry typo) elements or depth.
I'd not be worried too much about this. Core game was just a skeleton for the meat to come. So, first thing to do is to expand "horizontally" (more options, more scenarios, more heroes, more decks); then they will add different stuff (other maps, and so on), as they hinted in the rulebooks. I'm sure the final result won't be disappointing at all
Mini expansions were actually pretty prevalent in RB2. Look up all the expansions on BGG. Yes there were some larger expansions, but most were for just one character or class. I am liking this new format of mini expansions much better they are bigger or as big as their comparable RB2 stuff. Though I will also be pumped at the release of other maps in larger expansions.
RB2 was one of the first games to use the lcg model, with regular 40 cards packs in cycles of 6 packs. They were good value for money and added a lot to the game.
These RB3 expansions are only 30 cards and a lot more expensive. While a plastic model is nice I don't think it makes up the difference in price, especially for those descent players who may already have the miniature.
I'd not be worried too much about this. Core game was just a skeleton for the meat to come. So, first thing to do is to expand "horizontally" (more options, more scenarios, more heroes, more decks); then they will add different stuff (other maps, and so on), as they hinted in the rulebooks. I'm sure the final result won't be disappointing at all
But they were so uncreative with Battlelore (I still want my dungeon battle map!). I never played RB2, so I can't really say anything anyway. I got into this universe when I saw Runewars, got Rune Age instead (last April) cause Wars was too pricy, then got Battlelore in the summer and Runewars and Runebound at Christmas. So I am still new to how they handle all of this.
I know myself, I love Runebound...gonna buy those on release and shed gallons of tears of joy on the way home and probably drown in my car just to wake up, realise it was just a dream, go to my FLGS, buy the expansions, cry on the way home...
Edited by SolennelBernYay! Finally new female heroes. Well, one. Still one short for one of the groups I play in.
In Descent don't they do villain and hero versions of the same character? Would have been cool if there was a hero version of the spidergirl in the box.
Only 2 descent characters can be both hero's and villains, which was a very cool idea.
Consider how creative/brilliant the FFG team was in creating 3rd Ed and the two different types of scenarios, I am a bit let down to see that the new scenario looks nothing more than a re-skin.
Was hoping to see the co-op mode introduced.
These kind of things you say are for BIG expansions. These two are small.
Edited by arkiva$20 is just a bit too expensive for 30 cards and 1 mini.
Especially considering a lieutenant pack is only $9 for the same size mini, a smaller deck of cards and some tokens.
At least I will get to use my ariad mini more often.
If you don't already have her then it's an extra $15 for her mini.
What is an ariad mini?
Being they are saying 3rd quarter I am hoping it lines up with GenCon for release date. I will be in that fire hazard of a long line to get these.
Also curious if both expansions will be 20 dollars as it looks like the "Gilded blade" just looks like a duplicated "Caught in a Web" on the FFG/AsMO site. So there is hope that the smaller expansion of 1 mini and some more cards do line up with the Descent LT pack pricing.
The Runebound main page shows $20 each.
Ariad is the boss enemy in "caught in a web" but before that she was a lieutenant in the descent game, and there is a mini available for her.
Instead of moving a token around the map I'm going to use my ariad mini, because it will look so much better.