I'm a little confused as to the order of combat when it comes to to the 'theaters'. From the way I understand it, it goes something like this:
I. Space Combat
1. Player A rolls dice.
2. Player A plays cards or takes actions.
3. Player A assigns damage.
4. Player B defends
5. Player B sets 'casualities' aside.
6. Player B rolls dice.
7. Player B plays cards or takes actions.
8. Player B assigns damage.
9. Player A defends.
10. Player A and Player B remove casualities.
II. Ground Combat
1. Player A rolls dice.
2. Player A plays cards or takes actions.
3. Player A assigns damage.
4. Player B defends
5. Player B sets 'casualities' aside.
6. Player B rolls dice.
7. Player B plays cards or takes actions.
8. Player B assigns damage.
9. Player A defends.
10. Player A and Player B remove casualities.
III. Retreat
1. Player A decides if they want to (or can) retreat.
2. Player B decides if they want to (or can) retreat.
IV. Move to next round (back to I) and repeat.
Is this correct?