Any official ruling how these 2 interact? Does Its Your Destiny capture a leader who successfully completes a mission and USES Mellenium Falcon ring to free a catured leader?
Any official ruling how these 2 interact? Does Its Your Destiny capture a leader who successfully completes a mission and USES Mellenium Falcon ring to free a catured leader?
Hmmm...that's a good one.
As far as I know, there's nothing in the rules specifying whether "after" means "immediately after" or "sometime after". However, "immediately after" is specific and if they really meant that, they would have (should have?) written it.
So the general definition should be the one that is used. This means that the Millennium Falcon can be used to rescue that leader captured with It Is Your Destiny.
It also is totally within the story, since Leia (or Chewie) was the one captured, but then Luke 'rescued' them, and then Vader 'captured' Luke with It Is Your Destiny...but then Chewie rescued Luke from the bottom of Cloud City.
Edited by Arcane SpringboardIt also is totally within the story, since Leia (or Chewie) was the one captured, but then Luke 'rescued' them, and then Vader 'captured' Luke with It Is Your Destiny...but then Chewie rescued Luke from the bottom of Cloud City.
Leaving Darth Vader with a T-shirt saying: "I used 'It's Your Destiny' on Bespin and all I got was this lousy smuggler".
I had something similar to this last night, I don't think we played it right.
Leia was captured in carbonite. The Chewy with the Falcon was in the same system from a previous mission. I then succeeded in a mission with Luke in that same system so I removed the Falcon dial from Chewy and rescued Leia. The Imperial player then played It's Your Destiny and captured Luke. Originally he wanted to capture Luke in carbonite to replace Leia's level of capture, but I believe we correctly agreed that Luke would only be captured, regardless if the rescued leader was in carbonite. However, I think we got it wrong which leader should have been captured with the It's Your Destiny card. Luke was not on a rescue mission so it should have been Chewy that was captured as the Falcon ring is what rescued the captured leader, not Luke's unrelated mission.
By the way, Vader was in the system as well as he tried to oppose Chewy's previous mission.
No, you played this correctly. The text of It Is Your Destiny is:
"Use during a mission after a leader is rescued. Caputure 1 leader who attempted this mission."
Luke performed a mission. Chewie activated the Millenium Falcon to rescue Leia. It Is Your Destiny targets the leader who attempted the mission that was underway when the other leader was does not target the leader who does the actual rescuing.
I guess this would only work if Vader was already in the system from a previous mission or activation. If he wasn't in the system when the rescue happened, he would not be able to play It's Your Destiny at the time of the rescue.
What if Vader wasn't in the system for the rescue but then on the next turn succeeded with a mission with Vader in that same system, could he play the card because his mission was a "mission after a leader is rescued"?
Remember, Vader can attempt to block the mission to get into the system. But yes, if Vader isn't there, he can't play It Is Your Destiny.
As for your second question there, no Vader couldn't do that. The text again is:
""Use during a mission after a leader is rescued. Caputure 1 leader who attempted this mission."
The mission refered to in the second sentence is the mission in the first sentence. Therefore you need to us it _during_ that mission.
I gotta necro-post here because it doesn't seem this was totally resolved.
Scenario is:
1) Rieekan is captured in Naboo
2) Han Solo (with Millenium Falcon ring) performs Infiltration in Naboo
3) Darth Vader opposses Infiltration
4) Han Solo succeeds
5) Millenium Falcon ring is discarded, Rieekan is rescued
6) Darth Vader plays It Is Your Destiny to capture Han Solo.
I think it comes down to resolution steps, as in, where does the text of Infiltration actually come into play ("if you succeed...")? In my estimation (without the rules in front of me) the Mission resolution order looks like this:
A) Reveal mission
B) Place leader in system
C) Opportunity to oppose
C-a) if opposed, roll dice
D) Determine success or failure (compare results)
E) Trigger reactions to success of mission (like, for example, Millenium Falcon)
F) Resolve remainder of text on mission card
If that's the order, then my scenario should be legal. If the order is instead:
D) Determine success or failure (compare results)
E) Resolve remainder of text on mission card
F) Trigger reactions to success of mission (like, for example, Millenium Falcon)
Then we might be able to argue that the mission has resolved, and so It Is Your Destiny can't be used. But that's ridiculous, because then how would It Is Your Destiny ever resolve? Think about For the Greater Good or Daring Rescue. Those cards actually require the resolution of the "If successful" clause for the leader to be rescued, which *should* end the mission in this thinking. But then It Is Your Destiny couldn't be played, because it's no longer "during a mission". I think we have to conclude that "during a mission" means "during a player's command phase turn in which they've attempted or resolved a mission". But I really want to make sure I'm getting this right.
This topic is in the official FAQ:
"QQ: Does using the “Millennium Falcon” ability to rescue a leader count as a mission for purposes of using Darth Vader’s “It is Your Destiny” action card?
AA: Although resolving the Millennium Falcon ring isn’t a mission in itself, it is resolved in conjunction with a mission. The “It Is Your Destiny” card can be used to capture one of the leaders who attempted that mission."
So your scenario is officially legal