Opposing a mission

By sparhawk1975, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Hello All,

After playing this great game our group still has one question which I can't find here; opposing a mission

You can add a leader to oppose a mission, that's clear and that leader should have the same mission criteria (like diplomacy) as the mission to oppose it.

But what happens if there is already a leader present from another mission; does it automatically oppose the mission there?

And can you then add another extra leader to oppose it as the rules stated?



First of, a mission can be opposed by someone who does not have any symbols of the mission they will just roll no dice and so get zero, the attemptor then still has to roll as if they get zero you failed to beat the zero of the opposing leader.

Then your main question, ALL leaders in a system assist and oppose unless captured or a rule says otherwise.

So if 2 leaders are already in a system from a previous mission they will assist in both performing and opposing missions in the system. Similarly if you perform an attempt mission in a region with an enemy leader they will auto oppose with or without another leader being added and whether or not they have the right symbols.

Hope that helps

Yes. You use the

Hello All,

After playing this great game our group still has one question which I can't find here; opposing a mission

You can add a leader to oppose a mission, that's clear and that leader should have the same mission criteria (like diplomacy) as the mission to oppose it.

But what happens if there is already a leader present from another mission; does it automatically oppose the mission there?

And can you then add another extra leader to oppose it as the rules stated?



Yes, you use the relevant mission icons from all of your leaders present in the system (unless captured or frozen) with relevant skills, regardless of how they got there. Just remember to resolve in the correct order. For example.

Leader 1: Assigned to a mission. No other leaders assist him, as he's alone.

Leader 2: Activates in the same system moving friendly units from adjacent systems.

Leader 3: Assigned to a mission in the same system. If Leader 1 and Leader 2 have relevant skill icons, then all three pool their dice to contribute to the mission (not to exceed the maximum of ten dice)

Also, if a mission requires two leaders to meet the minimum requirement, do not count the skill icons from the leaders already in the system for the purpose of meeting the prerquisite. The leader/s assigned to the mission (placed atop the mission card in the assignment phase) must meet the prerequisites in order to activate the mission. Only after its activated do you indicate the system the mission will be attempted in. At that point, leaders already present may contribute to the mission's success.

Glad you enjoy the game. Hope this clears things up!

To be a tiny bit more clear, yes, a leader already in a system automatically opposes a mission that is attempted in that system, and you can move one leader from the reserve, even if there is already a leader there. (Page 9 of the rules reference - steps 4 and 5 of "revealing a mission")

It's also worth pointing out that the leader does not have to have matching skill icons to oppose the mission. The player attempting the mission would still need to roll 1 success to complete the mission. (RR09)

Hello All,

After playing this great game our group still has one question which I can't find here; opposing a mission

You can add a leader to oppose a mission, that's clear and that leader should have the same mission criteria (like diplomacy) as the mission to oppose it.

But what happens if there is already a leader present from another mission; does it automatically oppose the mission there?

And can you then add another extra leader to oppose it as the rules stated?



Also, if the leader opposing the mission doesn't have the skill required, he or she still opposes it...she just adds zero dice to the roll.

In other words, if Vader does a Diplomacy mission, blocked by Chewie, Vader still has to roll, and still has to get at least one success, even though Chewie has no Diplomacy.

Hello All,

After playing this great game our group still has one question which I can't find here; opposing a mission

You can add a leader to oppose a mission, that's clear and that leader should have the same mission criteria (like diplomacy) as the mission to oppose it.

But what happens if there is already a leader present from another mission; does it automatically oppose the mission there?

And can you then add another extra leader to oppose it as the rules stated?



Also, if the leader opposing the mission doesn't have the skill required, he or she still opposes it...she just adds zero dice to the roll.

In other words, if Vader does a Diplomacy mission, blocked by Chewie, Vader still has to roll, and still has to get at least one success, even though Chewie has no Diplomacy.

Not a terrible option for opposing a Mission being attempted by a Leader with a single skill.