Comparing the rules in the rulebook and clarification (1.01) in the FAQ, it is difficult to figure out if Doomed and Surge keywords only trigger during the staging step and setup, or anytime the card is revealed.
The rulebook is pretty clear:
Doomed X
If an encounter card with the doomed keyword is revealed during the staging step of the quest phase or in setup, each player must raise his threat level by the specified value.
When an encounter card with the surge keyword is revealed during the staging step of the quest phase or in setup, reveal 1 additional card from the encounter deck. Resolve the surge keyword immediately after resolving any when revealed effects on the card.
So the the rulebook states that surge and doomed only happen during setup and the staging step. But the FAQ has this:
(1.01) Encounter Keywords
Surge, Doomed, and Guarded keywords should be resolved any time the card on which they occur is revealed from the encounter deck, including during setup.
Looking at the rules as written, it would be assumed that surge and doomed only trigger during the staging step and setup. Clarification (1.01) refers to the keyword which refers to the specific timing window. But the spirit of (1.01) implies that surge and doomed trigger on any reveal effect, not just those happening during the setup and the staging step.
Is there something I'm missing? I can really use some input on this.