Demolition against Super Star Destroyer?

By Kendraam, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Title says it all really.


We successfully managed to pull of Demolition as an SSD was about to land the following turn; however the text on Demolition states you can destroy anything that matches the build icons of the system it resolves in (Corellia in this case) but the SSD is only built via projects so we ruled that it doesn't get destroyed.

I've checked the project that builds the SSD and it says 'Resolve in any Imperial system that has a blue square icon' does this mean that Demolition would have worked in this case (and that any SSD can be demolished if successfully resolved in a blue square system)?

Edited by Kendraam

I think you interpreted this correctly. A system lacking blue squares doesn't have a sufficient shipyards to build something as mammoth as a super star destroyer. But it is not a blue square unit (or else the Imperial player could just start queueing them regularly).

Edited by KoalaXav

I would rule it wouldn't work on the SSD since it's build icon is the card icon.

I would rule it wouldn't work on the SSD since it's build icon is the card icon.

That's what we did. However after the game I read the SSD project card and wondered if we got it wrong.

I would rule it wouldn't work on the SSD since it's build icon is the card icon.

That's what we did. However after the game I read the SSD project card and wondered if we got it wrong.

The card requires the icon, not the SSD. However the Demolition mission targets the unit, not the card.

The project card clearly states that it requires a Blue square. If the Demolition mission is successful in a system with a blue square production I would rule that it puts the SSD in play and therefore allow it to be destroyed.

The project card clearly states that it requires a Blue square. If the Demolition mission is successful in a system with a blue square production I would rule that it puts the SSD in play and therefore allow it to be destroyed.

That's not even remotely correct.

The SSD does not have a build symbol, it cannot be hit by Demolition as Demolition has a requires you to destroy units matching a systems build symbols.

"Resolve in any Imperial system that has a blue (square icon)resource icon"


Attempt in any Imperial system. If successful, for each of the systems resource icons, destroy 1 unit on the build queue that matches the icon"

The project card assigns the SSD a blue square icon.

I don't understand your statement that the SSD does not have a build symbol.

Look at the ships on the imperial sheet. You will notice the SSD doesn't have a build symbol. That's why you can't demolish it. That symbol is only required to trigger the project, that doesn't give it a build icon allowing a demolish.

Like I said at the start of this thread, if the SSD counted as a blue square unit, the Empire could just build them. It is not a blue square unit. It only requires a system with massive orbital shipyards to begin construction.

Ruling that the requirement that the system have a certain resource means the project inherits that resource as a build icon would be as ludicrous as saying that a mission placing units in a system.with enemy loyalty makes them enemy units.

I understand the SSD does not have a build icon on the imperial sheet. The project card defines it as a blue square. To what purpose would the project card assign the SSD a blue square icon? Thematically it makes sense as well.

I don't know any other way to phrase this other than no the project card does not make it a square build icon. The square is a requirement to trigger the effect. This requirement does not assign an icon. This is further proven by the imperial sheet showing no icon. The SSD has no icons whatsoever.

Luke, trust your unit sheet.

I understand the SSD does not have a build icon on the imperial sheet. The project card defines it as a blue square. To what purpose would the project card assign the SSD a blue square icon? Thematically it makes sense as well.

1) Projects are missions.

2) Missions are carried out during the command phase and only during the command phase.

3) Missions may place units on the board or in the build queue without building them.

4) Most missions have requirements for where they can be played.

5) You build units only when the turn tracker moves to a turn with a build phase. You do not build at any other time. This can occur only in the refresh phase.

If you add all this up,, it means that the super star destroyer does not ever have a build icon because--and I cannot stress this.enough-- you can not build a super star destroyer. The mission places it on the build queue at a time you are not able to build units.

If that's still not enough, answer me this. Would completing the SSD project deny the Imperial player use of the blue square build icon on his next build phase? By your logic, it should.

Edited by KoalaXav

I understand the SSD does not have a build icon on the imperial sheet. The project card defines it as a blue square. To what purpose would the project card assign the SSD a blue square icon? Thematically it makes sense as well.

It's best to think of the square as a requirement for the mission, not as what makes the actual unit (the card does that).