So if Verena has Extra ammunition and uses close quaters against an enemy with shooting attack, does she get to use it for reroll?
Close quater and Extra ammunition
Being literal, Verena is attacking with the attack type and attack pool of the defeated figure, but she's not technically using a weapon and thus would not be able to use Extra Ammunition. (Edit: Extra Ammunition calls for an attack with a ranged weapon , not just a ranged attack.) (However, I can see a ruling going the other way as well.)
Item Cards
During a campaign, heroes gain access to a wide range of Item
cards. Item cards include weapons, armor, equipment, and
modifications. All Item cards that a hero has are placed faceup in
his play area.
· Weapons are identified by having the word "Attack" listed in a
box above dice icons and a
icon. Weapons are used to
perform attacks. Each other Item card is used as instructed on
the card.
"Attacks", RTH, Page 8:
Some abilities allow a figure to perform an attack with a different attack type and attack pool than its normal attack.
-- When a hero performs an attack using an attack pool unrelated to his weapons (such as “Close Quarters” on Verena Talos’s Hero Sheet), he cannot use any abilities from his weapons during that attack.
-- When a figure corresponding to a Deployment card performs an attack using an alternate attack pool (such as “Close Quarters” on Verena Talos’s Deployment card), it may still trigger its surge abilities, unless the ability triggering the attack states otherwise.
RAW specifically calls out abilities on weapons, but says nothing about things like items cards or class upgrades. The fact that an enemy has a ranged attack has no bearing, since the rule stated "attack pool", referencing the dice pool used by an enemy who would not have a weapon card.
Oversight, or intentional?
Edited by FizzItems referring to Traits like Pistol can not be used with Close Quarters, Extra Ammunition is not that clear.
Edited by a1bertBtw, Force Adept would work with Close Quarters.
I would say you could use it because the only qualifier is a ranged attack.
RAW specifically calls out abilities on weapons, but says nothing about things like items cards or class upgrades. The fact that an enemy has a ranged attack has no bearing, since the rule stated "attack pool", referencing the dice pool used by an enemy who would not have a weapon card.
Verena's card says "attack type and attack pool".
Extra ammunition's only condition is the ranged attack type.
So I'd say yes she can use that.... her attack type become that of her target.
Notice also that Close Quarters itself doesn't have an attack type... thus it would have to inherit the type of the target or it wouldn't be a valid attack.
Thematically, she grabs the targets gun and shoots them with it.... thus being able to use her extra ammunition (although reloading in a close quarters situation would be interesting).
I would say you could use it because the only qualifier is a ranged attack.
The qualifier for Extra Ammunition is attacking with a ranged weapon .
See: Biv's Crushing Blow uses "melee attack", because the Close and Personal attack is also performed with just dice and melee attack type and not with any weapon.
Edited by a1bertThe qualifier for Extra Ammunition is attacking with a ranged weapon .I would say you could use it because the only qualifier is a ranged attack.
See: Biv's Crushing Blow uses "melee attack", because the Close and Personal attack is also performed with just dice and melee attack type and not with any weapon.
The weapon keyword would seem to only apply to campaign and heros meaning it would require a normal (non close quarters) attack. Does this word appear on any other abilities? If it appears on any command cards it would have to refer to the attack type only.
Most abilities on class cards include the word "weapon", i.e "attack with a ranged weapon" or "attack with a melee weapon".
For example Diala's Precise Strike needs an attack with a melee weapon, which interacts nicely with Diala's Dancing Weapon, where she is performing a ranged attack with a melee weapon. Force Adept doesn't care about the weapon, just that there is an attack (or attribute test).
Well, now that I thought about it, I think Dancing Weapon is a good example about the difference between the attack type and the weapon used for the attack.
Hmmm I missed the word "weapon" .... That's what you get for not reading the whole card.
I guess that makes sense then... you'd have to attack with a weapon item/card to use it and not just the attack type.
Seems like Clipper came to the opposite conclusion
Any updated thoughts?
On 12/19/2017 at 10:57 AM, frotes said:Seems like Clipper came to the opposite conclusion
Any updated thoughts?
Looks like you got an answer in that thread. Clipper wasn't paying close attention to Extra Ammunitions wording when he made that statement, since he makes no mention of it.
Makes sense thematically that Verena isn't going to reload her enemy's gun.