James Hata Calgary Store champ deck build

By iceman01, in UFS Deck Building

Here's a new randition of James Hata by Iceman01 and Dutpotd. This is for our agressive friend who played James before Quest for Souls was legal for our last tournament. Chillduck played Viks build for our last championship and finished 4th.

Now here's hoping the changes will wreck Dut's Hilde build

James Hata**

Actions: 3

3 Mist Stance

Assets: 3
3 Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel

4 The Strength Within
4 Hope for One's People
4 For the Money
4 Paid to Protect
4 Financial Troubles
4 Looking for a Thrill
3 Enraged Golem
3 Defeated the Rifle
3 Stand Off
3 The Ultimate Team
3 Brooding
4 Knight Breaker
3 Hammer of the Gods
3 Pommel Smash
2 Full Moon Disembowel
2 Fire Brand
2 Neutron Bomb

Thanks for sharing.

have you considered dragon lifter?

mastermajora said:

have you considered dragon lifter?

The attacks were chosen for their controlchecks all the attacks are 3 checks. The foundations are all 5 checks except for looking for a thrill. Which is really dirty in this deck. We wanted consistency with the cards that were chosen. We also kept to the theme of what Vik had originally went with.

There will be a different variant of this deck in weeks to come. Once the Christmas Season is done and the Store Championships are over. We had to reschedule the one we had due to a snow storm. We couldn't get Dut's car out of my Neighborhood, plus the driving conditions were not the greatest. Plus Snow removal cruise for Calgary suck.

That is a very strong aggro deck that doesn't really seem to have much to fear from a control deck. How have you dealt with Valued but Not trusted?

Well, there is Pommel Smash if you didn't notice. I am pretty sure that could take care of Valued but Not Trusted. Also, it wouldn't be to hard to force your opponent into wasting his valued but not trusted before you play another attack. It really isn't that great of a card any ways.

magicmint said:

Well, there is Pommel Smash if you didn't notice. I am pretty sure that could take care of Valued but Not Trusted. Also, it wouldn't be to hard to force your opponent into wasting his valued but not trusted before you play another attack. It really isn't that great of a card any ways.

Zing, Valued But Not Trusted is a 'great' **** card. But, you are still 100% right here Jon, it does jack sh1t against Hata, especially a Hata with Pommel and so much stun that wasting any foundation is asking to take 4 attacks to the face. Now, Torn Hero and Valued But Not Trusted helps alot, but still the sheer damage and the fact that Valued But Not Trusted destroys itself and can't be looped worth a **** means this deck still manages it quite well. In a very tight control match where Hata isn't ahead, he usually finds a way to get ahead by using and dealing damage with Knight Breaker or by surviving with his ability to mince attack zones and then dropping much on the counter.

The weakness of this deck isn't slow control cards that destroy themselves like VbutnotT, said weakness is fast counter cards, low and full variety of block mods, and speed reduction.

- dut