Winning Regional Lists

By TheUnsullied, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Starting a thread were we can compile the winning lists from various regionals across the country. Think it would probably be beneficial for new and experienced players to get an idea what people are having success with. I know we already have a spot for tournament reports so I'm not looking for a full report just the list with command cards.

Anything in top four would be great to have just make sure you let us know which regionals it's coming from.

Winning list from Northern California Regionals in Rohnert Park, CA on 4/23/16

Stormtrooper (Elite) x2
Royal Guard
Imperial Officer x3
Rule By Fear

Inspiring Speech
Element of Surprise
Reinforcements x2
Stealth Tactics
Fleet Footed
Set a Trap
New Orders
Take Initiative

Winning list from Northern California Regionals in Rohnert Park, CA on 4/23/16

Stormtrooper (Elite) x2


Royal Guard

Imperial Officer x3

Rule By Fear

Inspiring Speech

Element of Surprise

Reinforcements x2

Stealth Tactics



Fleet Footed


Set a Trap


New Orders



Take Initiative

The list that has gone up at miniranker has 2x eSnowtroopers rather than the eStomies. Should probably fix that as it is currently a 41pt squad there

Winning list from Northern California Regionals in Rohnert Park, CA on 4/23/16

Stormtrooper (Elite) x2


Royal Guard

Imperial Officer x3

Rule By Fear

This was my list. Stormtrooper re-rolls are just so good.

Here's the link to the rest of the event's lists on Miniranker .

Edited by nickv2002

Data entry error - I've asked the sysadmin of Mini Ranker to fix it.

Playing Devil's Advocate, but doesn't all this just encourage the "top 3" meta while discouraging list diversity?

Playing Devil's Advocate, but doesn't all this just encourage the "top 3" meta while discouraging list diversity?

Without getting too off topic, I disagree for these reasons:

1) I think the game is in a really good place for diversity right now with lots of different lists doing well at the recent Northern California Regionals event.

2) There's still a ton of skill involved; my girlfriend played a very similar list as me but placed 9th 10th instead of first (one loss was to me unfortunately).

3) I considered various Twins and Beast machines lists, and continued tweaking my list in the last few days before the tournament to adapt to the meta (particularly for the new Leia Skirmish map)

4) If you're trying to do well with a new list, you're going to need to know what you're likely to be up against.

5) This information will be out there anyway, hiding it will just restrict less involved players from knowing, so we might as well promote it to all.

Edited by nickv2002

Playing Devil's Advocate, but doesn't all this just encourage the "top 3" meta while discouraging list diversity?

Without getting too off topic, I disagree for these reasons:

1) I think the game is in a really good place for diversity right now with lots of different lists doing well at the recent Northern California Regionals event.

2) There's still a ton of skill involved; my girlfriend played a very similar list as me but placed 9th instead of first (one loss was to me unfortunately).

3) I considered various Twins and Beast machines lists, and continued tweaking my list in the last few days before the tournament to adapt to the meta (particularly for the new Leia Skirmish map)

4) If you're trying to do well with a new list, you're going to need to know what you're likely to be up against.

5) This information will be out there anyway, hiding it will just restrict less involved players from knowing, so we might as well promote it to all.

Great question. Really good points in response.

The way I see it, it's a chicken/egg thing. There's good points and bad points to collecting and distilling all the information down to try and find the "best" or "meta" lists. But I think it is valuable to the state of the game overall because it will help all players see what's working best, or the very least, what's being played the most to be prepared/have new ideas. Even with the three main archetypes that I've noticed there's been plenty of variance/spice in them. I personally play a beast tamer list but it's different than any of the ones I've seen most people play so far. I've been winning games with it. Whether that's a fluke or not I'll have to see at Regionals in May. But I made my list idea before I even had the Bantha in hand - I'm just happy to see I picked something that was relatively strong before it was shown to be in the meta.

But it's always good to see what other people are doing in the game, especially the ones who are successful. And nothing brings me more joy than to see an outlier list win a tourney!

my girlfriend played a very similar list as me but placed 9th instead of first (one loss was to me unfortunately).

Has she forgiven you for turning down the ID yet? *8P

my girlfriend played a very similar list as me but placed 9th instead of first (one loss was to me unfortunately).

Has she forgiven you for turning down the ID yet? *8P

Mostly yes. Because I won the event.

FWIW: She does beat me pretty often when we practice, but having the starting position & initiative on the map we played (the War Zone map where you retrieve Junk Droids) is tough for the other player to overcome.

Edited by nickv2002

Starting a thread were we can compile the winning lists from various regionals across the country. Think it would probably be beneficial for new and experienced players to get an idea what people are having success with. I know we already have a spot for tournament reports so I'm not looking for a full report just the list with command cards.

Anything in top four would be great to have just make sure you let us know which regionals it's coming from.

Didn't you win a regional event? You should post your own list!

Here are the results for the Burleson (Fort Worth), Texas regional held on the 23rd of April.

1st place: Brad Rollins

E Rebel Troopers

E Echo Base Troopers x2

E Rebel Saboteurs



Rebel High Command

Targeting Computer

Command Cards:


Reinforcements x2

Lock On

Heart of Freedom



Jump Jets

Hit and Run


Take Initiative


Element of Surprise

Fleet Footed


2nd - Robert Stanley - Mercs

3rd - Isaac Lee - Rebels

4th - Timothy Stone - Imperials

5th - Geoffrey Pendery - Rebels

6th - Jeremy Estes - Mercs

7th - Mitchell Stanley - Imperials

8th - Jason Nopajaroonsii - Imperials

Gideon / C-3PO were in every Rebel or Merc build with exception of one or two builds. Imperials were splashed with things here and there but were mostly centered around Stormtroopers. We gave out $300 in store credit to the top four and can not wait to see someone from our area win Nationals and advance!


2) There's still a ton of skill involved; my girlfriend played a very similar list as me but placed 9th instead of first (one loss was to me unfortunately).

Not that it matters but she got 10th, I placed 9th with a "similar" troopers list. We were the only 3 Storm Troopers and 3 of 4 Empire players there. Good to see some Storm Trooper love though and congrats again sir! You played like a beast.

Honestly, people are going to netlist anyway... I'd rather they netlist stuff that actually wins tournaments rather than what some blog/podcast told them would win tournaments.

This way people will learn that - "OH... i suck with this list even though it's won 4 regionals.... maybe I should work on my tactics." Rather than "**** that silly website, they lied to me".

I think it spurs on more critical thinking than blindly following other people's advice.

It also means everyone else can see what's strong and build lists to counter, which helps shape and evolve the meta.

Winning list from Northern California Regionals in Rohnert Park, CA on 4/23/16

Stormtrooper (Elite) x2


Royal Guard

Imperial Officer x3

Rule By Fear

This was my list. Stormtrooper re-rolls are just so good.

Here's the link to the rest of the event's lists on Miniranker .

There was another list in the comp that had a rSnowtrooper rather than the rStormies + 1pt initiative bid. Do you think the stormies are better and was the initiative bid worth it? Here in NZ all I see is 40pt lists and no one is keen to drop down to 39 or less so I guess I'm wondering if it works.

This was a finals list from the Centerville, Ohio regionals. I conceded the finals because I didn't plan on going to Origins and my opponent was and it was so late already. We had 5 rounds with a top 8 cut. Lots of extra attacks with this list and it sets up those cards real well.

2x eNexu (one with last resort),

eHKs (with exsplosive armaments),

eTusken Raiders,



Temporary Alliance,

Devious Scheme,

Beast Tamer

Command Deck:

2x Pummel,

2x Jundland Terror,

1x Negation,

1x Take Initiative,

1x Opportunistic,

1x Price on Their Heads,

1x Wild Fury,

1x Parting Blow,

1x Element of Surprise,

1x Urgency,

1x Ferocity,

1x Planning,

1x Focus

Edited by jarvis02

This was my list. Stormtrooper re-rolls are just so good.

Here's the link to the rest of the event's lists on Miniranker .

There was another list in the comp that had a rSnowtrooper rather than the rStormies + 1pt initiative bid. Do you think the stormies are better and was the initiative bid worth it? Here in NZ all I see is 40pt lists and no one is keen to drop down to 39 or less so I guess I'm wondering if it works.

The 39 points was intentional because several maps in the current rotation are favor deployment in certain areas. This obviously only works if Devious Schemes is not commonly played but it's a worthy gambit for just 1 point in the current meta.

FWIW: My GF played the rSnowtrooper list you're talking about so I have lots of experience with it too. rStormtroopers have higher damage output with surging for damage instead of pierce and re-rolls. Conversely, snowtroopers have 4 health instead of 3 so they're a bit harder to kill (but not much). They can also heal which counters blast & grenade damage well. So it really depends on how much you value initiative, damage, and resiliency relative to each other. Interesting choices for sure!

Edited by nickv2002

Here's the list I won the Austin Regionals with and got to the finals and conceded at Dallas regionals.

1 x Bantha

1 x rHired Gun

1 x rHK

1 x eTusken

1 x rNexu

1 x Gideon

1 x C3PO

Command card list(I've been toying with a bunch of different things but this is what I arrived at for the second regional in Dallas)

2 x Jundland Terror

1 x Crush

1 x Squad Swarm

1 x Negation

1 x Ferocity

1 x Hit and Run

1 x Single Purpose

1 x Survival Instincts

1 x Stealth Tactics

1 x Field Tactician

1 x Element of Surprise

1 x Take Intiative

1 x Rally

1 x Opportunistic

Unsullied, how did the Nexu handle Trooper lists? That is one concern I have about them: a low number of attacks vs the swarms.

Decently I guess. In the Austin regionals 6 of my 7 matches were trooper lists and probably another 3-4 in Dallas. Idk if it's specifically great against troopers or just a solid unit in general. I find myself using the pierce surge much more often than the cleave(and even that is pretty rare on red/green dice) So I'm not sure if Nexu is really doing anything against troopers that he wouldn't do against regular units.

I really use him for a second target for Ferocity, Survival Instincts if the Bantha goes down too early. Also if he's alive in a round without Bantha then Beast Tamer makes him just fly across the map. 12 move and a pounce can get anywhere basically. Or you can get in for a shot and retreat a long way away. I would say that rNexu is just a solid overall unit. 1.5 hp/point plus you have to take account of cunning, good dice, 1 good surge.

Good info. I'm also just terrible with white dice on Nexues for whatever reason. Always seem to roll blank or 1 block.

Yeah I mean it definitely happens. And sometimes pounce is a pain to use because of how your own units are positioned and stuff. But there isn't really any other good replacements unless I take a second set of Hired Guns.

Here's the list I won the Austin Regionals with and got to the finals and conceded at Dallas regionals.

1 x Bantha

1 x rHired Gun

1 x rHK

1 x eTusken

1 x rNexu

1 x Gideon

1 x C3PO

Command card list(I've been toying with a bunch of different things but this is what I arrived at for the second regional in Dallas)

2 x Jundland Terror

1 x Crush

1 x Squad Swarm

1 x Negation

1 x Ferocity

1 x Hit and Run

1 x Single Purpose

1 x Survival Instincts

1 x Stealth Tactics

1 x Field Tactician

1 x Element of Surprise

1 x Take Intiative

1 x Rally

1 x Opportunistic

Squad Swarm doesn't work in this list; you probably meant Strength In Numbers? Interesting card selection!

Here's the list I won the Austin Regionals with and got to the finals and conceded at Dallas regionals.

1 x Bantha

1 x rHired Gun

1 x rHK

1 x eTusken

1 x rNexu

1 x Gideon

1 x C3PO

Command card list(I've been toying with a bunch of different things but this is what I arrived at for the second regional in Dallas)

2 x Jundland Terror

1 x Crush

1 x Squad Swarm

1 x Negation

1 x Ferocity

1 x Hit and Run

1 x Single Purpose

1 x Survival Instincts

1 x Stealth Tactics

1 x Field Tactician

1 x Element of Surprise

1 x Take Intiative

1 x Rally

1 x Opportunistic

Squad Swarm doesn't work in this list; you probably meant Strength In Numbers? Interesting card selection!

Yup I mix those two up all the time. Thanks for reminding me :)

1 x Bantha

1 x rHired Gun

1 x rHK

1 x eTusken

1 x rNexu

1 x Gideon

1 x C3PO

Played the same list (assuming you took beast tamer and devious scheme) at our store. Did quite well (2nd), although i did miss the the elite Nexu, it can withstand 3 attacks even if you roll def badly. Also auto cleave 2 becomes much better with Bantha in play since there lots of wounded figures.