Hi guys! I've just started running EotE, played three sessions so far, and really loving it. I found our first space battle, however, really bogged things down - combat and other encounters on the ground went quickly and smoothly, but the space combat system seemed clunky. As a result, I have a specific question, and a general question.
First, how do you handle system strain for minion groups of ships? I love the minion group system on the ground, part of which is that wounds and strain are conveniently bundled together. But since it's the stats of the pilots that stack in a minion group of small ships, what do you do about the ships' system strain? Do you give each ship in the group its own system strain, or add them to the ship's hull, or...?
More broadly, what tips and tricks do more experienced gms have for making sure space combat goes quickly? I printed off some maneuver and action cheat sheets for my players, but do you do anything beyond that to make ship combat fun and dynamic?