Would you read comic strips about Custom Officers and Smugglers?

By RodianClone, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The Tippsy Turvy?

That's a good one.

Indeed, good one.

I had to google what that meant :P Haha, yea, good one! Maybe someone called it that for obvious reasons while he test-drived it, so he decided to call it that. I`ll think about it. Thanks, Segara :)



Edited by RodianClone

updated the look/render of the first two strips... Does it work?

As long as it's entertaining, yes. Even better if I can mine it for ideas.

Already ran out of likes for today. *Gheesh* Anyway these look great.

Would read all 1207 pages in one go, then check weekly for updates and curse my inability to ration good things ;)

Would read all 1207 pages in one go, then check weekly for updates and curse my inability to ration good things ;)

Been there, done that, so yea, know the feeling :P .... Thanks, though!

Edited by RodianClone

Space swears


Edited by RodianClone

A message from the past
