Would you read comic strips about Custom Officers and Smugglers?

By RodianClone, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Just doodling and wondering if I want to do more with this fun, little idea... Would you ever read something like this, just based on these rough sketches and the setting that springs to mind?


Just idea sketching. Characters may end up different.



hyper_spaced_2_by_slapsticky-da1135n.jpg hyper_spaced_3_by_slapsticky-da1iawu.jpg


Edited by RodianClone

I'd give it a go!

That sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

I'll read anything if it's amusing to me.

I'll read anything if it's amusing to me.

And it has a good story.


One of the best webcomics is just stick figures so art is only part of the puzzle. Having said that, I would give just about anything a look once at least.

Sure, if it's funny enough.

As for the premise: i am just rewatching The Wire.

I'll read it. I say go for it!

I'll read it. I say go for it!

On it!


Edited by RodianClone

Does anyone have a better term or phrase for hyper-binge-drinking-time?... I have this one worded out in norwegian with a phrase I feel works very well, but not super sure about the english one....

And is it more funny with or without "what to do?..." in the middle panel?

Does anyone have a better term or phrase for hyper-binge-drinking-time?... I have this one worded out in norwegian with a phrase I feel works very well, but not super sure about the english one....

And is it more funny with or without "what to do?..." in the middle panel?

I think the middle panel is best left without comment. It allows the reader to insert whatever stupid/funny/self destructive internal dialogue they want in there, then see obvious result in panel 3.

One word phrase to imply being drunk while in hyperspace.....hmm.... :



FTL - Faster than Liquor

uh...yeah that's all i can think of at the moment.

But yeah, the basic premise seems to have promise. Are you going to portray the Customs agents as "evil", or just the only semi-competent/normal people in a job that forces them to deal with the habitually insane, like Captain Jackass there? The customs agent cast might be amusing if you put them in the role of "middle management" in some Office Space kind of organization. Where they have to deal with really stupid bosses, as well as stupid clients going through customs.

Or at least I would find that funny. The classic "Oh god, not these guys again..." kind of reaction as their ship pulls in, breaking 12 maintenance violations as they pull in, and blaring crazy music as they do. Then the door opens and the drunk captain stumbles off "Bubsy! My favorite customs inspector!!" *Bubsy shudders at having to be in the same breathing space as this being* "Manifest and permits please.....preferably without vomit on them this time."

Does anyone have a better term or phrase for hyper-binge-drinking-time?... I have this one worded out in norwegian with a phrase I feel works very well, but not super sure about the english one....

And is it more funny with or without "what to do?..." in the middle panel?

I think the middle panel is best left without comment. It allows the reader to insert whatever stupid/funny/self destructive internal dialogue they want in there, then see obvious result in panel 3.

One word phrase to imply being drunk while in hyperspace.....hmm.... :



FTL - Faster than Liquor

uh...yeah that's all i can think of at the moment.

But yeah, the basic premise seems to have promise. Are you going to portray the Customs agents as "evil", or just the only semi-competent/normal people in a job that forces them to deal with the habitually insane, like Captain Jackass there? The customs agent cast might be amusing if you put them in the role of "middle management" in some Office Space kind of organization. Where they have to deal with really stupid bosses, as well as stupid clients going through customs.

Or at least I would find that funny. The classic "Oh god, not these guys again..." kind of reaction as their ship pulls in, breaking 12 maintenance violations as they pull in, and blaring crazy music as they do. Then the door opens and the drunk captain stumbles off "Bubsy! My favorite customs inspector!!" *Bubsy shudders at having to be in the same breathing space as this being* "Manifest and permits please.....preferably without vomit on them this time."

Haha, yea, I was thinking of calling the customs agents part of an organization/space empire that is inspired by both the Empire Starfleet. I was thinking of calling them The Bureaucracy, so that fits what you were saying.

But this idea is so new and raw that it may take a totally different direction. The initial character sketch is just a warm up and ideas springboard. We`ll se where it goes.

The Empire meets the Office would be fun I think.

I actually liked Drunkspeed! But not sure it underlines the binge drinking aspect... But yea, I liked that! "Engage/Enter drunkspeed" maybe..

Edited by RodianClone

Just playing around with this a little to add a comic font and word bubbles. (I know... I changed the words some, too.) Not trying to step on toes... just having a little fun with it. Hope you don't mind.


Just playing around with this a little to add a comic font and word bubbles. (I know... I changed the words some, too.) Not trying to step on toes... just having a little fun with it. Hope you don't mind.


Hey, I appreciate it! :) Your words might even be better than mine. English isn`t my basic(...) language :P Loved the "timing" of the bubbles too :) Maybe you can help me out with my other sketches too. I have three more, very rough ones.

Just playing around with this a little to add a comic font and word bubbles. (I know... I changed the words some, too.) Not trying to step on toes... just having a little fun with it. Hope you don't mind.


Hey, I appreciate it! :) Your words might even be better than mine. English isn`t my basic(...) language :P Loved the "timing" of the bubbles too :) Maybe you can help me out with my other sketches too. I have three more, very rough ones.

Sure, I'd be willing to help out. English is the only language I know, but I've got a pretty good handle on it. *chuckles*

Maybe have a similar panel, where he establishes his "Hyperspace Drinking Game" Everytime you see a white line of a star, take a shot. The next panel being someone else coming into the cockpit, and stopping mid sentence to find him on the floor. In the panel, all we see is his hand, pointing out the window. "I schee another white line! *hic* Schot!"

Maybe have a similar panel, where he establishes his "Hyperspace Drinking Game" Everytime you see a white line of a star, take a shot. The next panel being someone else coming into the cockpit, and stopping mid sentence to find him on the floor. In the panel, all we see is his hand, pointing out the window. "I schee another white line! *hic* Schot!"

Yea, I might use that, that is a fun idea :)

Here are some very rough and lose idea sketches of how the story might continue...

These may still be too rough to make sense to anyone but me.... :P




Edited by RodianClone

I'd read that

It's funny already!

It's funny already!

You think? Thanks :)

This is fun. Drawing number 3 now. 2 is on standby...


Keep 'em coming!

Number 4 is comming along too... I was a bit fast with the text in this one, might change it. Might make hyperjump coordinates a bit clearer for non-Star wars nerds like me...


Edited by RodianClone

His nipples scare me...