I've never actually used the rule in the corebook however I'm curious if anyone has ever used the alternative characteristics when making a skill test. I've been hesitant to use the rule because it introduces (in my mind) unnecessary complexity and it seems to run counter to the idea of a skill having a set characteristic that you always roll against.
I can see the appeal of it in certain situations eg. Agility instead of Perception for Survival tests when controlling a mount, however using an alternative characteristic seems to be an admission that the skill system doesn't work for all situations. I like how the skill list has been condensed from 1st edition but grouping skills together and saying that the standard characteristic may not be useful in all situations seems to undermine the rationale for grouping the skills in the first place.
Has anyone used alterative characteristics when making skill tests? Do you think it helps having that option or does it just muddle how skills work in general by making the standard characteristic not very standard at all?