The Black Crusade - Spring 2016 OCTGN League!

By TheHiveTyrant, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

My fellow denizens of these forums, I want YOU to enlist in The Black Crusade !

If you have ever played Conquest LCG over OCTGN, or are simply interested in trying, then you owe it to yourself to enter this tournament. Nearly 100 players have already signed up for the upcoming Spring 2016 season, and this is your chance to test your mettle against some of the best (and worst!) players that our community has to offer.

In The Black Crusade, you play one game a week, for six consecutive weeks, and get paired against players who have been performing similarly; therefore, you're always playing with someone of your approximate skill level. If you're a new player yourself, then you'll be playing against mostly new players, but if you're an expert, then you'll soon be pit against the other best of the best.

Once these six rounds of "Swiss" are over, there will be a cut to the Top 16 or 32 players (depending on how many register), and the tournament will transition to single elimination. Over several more weeks, only one player will remain to be crowned Champion. Might it be you?

NOTE: There are two geographical divisions for this tournament - one Eastern, and one Western, so scheduling and dealing with time zone troubles should hopefully never be a problem for you!

Also, EVERY person who signs up will be mailed a participation prize (an alternate art Chaplain Mavros card!), and I'm delighted to say that there are more opportunities to win exclusive, custom prizes during this upcoming season than ever there have been before.

The Spring 2016 Champion will win a custom, one of a kind playmat, and, revealed now for the first time, our runner-up will be among the very first to own a The Hive Tyrant​ playmat ! Do note that the art depicted is not final. The Top 8 players will each also receive a full set of beautiful, custom, alternate art Planet cards.

Still further, and new as of this season, for anyone who decides to play through the entire tournament using the same warlord, the best-performing player for each will win a gorgeous, laser-engraved, anodized metal "First Planet coin," emblazoned with a symbol to represent their faction of choice (e.g., the best Baharroth player will receive an Eldar symbol cut into a metal coin).

Help Tournament Organizer Sam Mann​ and I to set a new record for the number of entrants, and become a better player in the process. Plus, if you perform well enough, you may even be immortalized on The Hive Tyrant channel during a weekly, commentated "featured match!"

I cannot recommend enough that you join - the deadline is April 24th, at 9PM CST - and for more information, just click the link below.

Do Sam and I a favor and register - you won't regret it. Good luck!

For all the information about the league, check out the official The Black Crusade page.