The hot/cold water trick

By tomkat364, in BattleLore

Having some trouble with repositioning...

I'm working on the Barrow Wyrm which has the two wings pressed together and vertical from packaging. The hot water trick works wonderfully, but the wings continue to return to the packaged position after 24 hours. I've done it twice now, and they just won't stay in the corrected position (even left it in the freezer to 'set' for a couple hours after repositioning).

Any suggestions/advice/tips?

Did you try hot water straight to iced water? If you haven't tried that, give it a shot. Use very hot (scalding) water and then hold the wings firm when you dunk it in the ice water. This worked for my Barrow Wyrm. Going to the freezer might not be as good as an ice bath.

hello tomkat364,

i had the same problem with the Wyrm's wings but I definitively solved it in the way that Apkendrick said to you!


Did you try hot water straight to iced water? If you haven't tried that, give it a shot. Use very hot (scalding) water and then hold the wings firm when you dunk it in the ice water. This worked for my Barrow Wyrm. Going to the freezer might not be as good as an ice bath.

Yep, going straight from hot water to cold water. This morning, after the second treatment, he's onlly 50% back to the original position, so maybe I just need to keep repeating. Improvement anyway.